The Bet

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Husk is the owner of the largest casino in all of hell, named Cats eye casino. And he is an overlord, not as powerful as Zestial or Carmella but nevertheless still powerful. Husk is playing BlackJack with a few other people.

~Husk's Pov~

I was playing BlackJack with a few of the regulars at the casino, I knew I was going to win but I played along. As soon as I sit down and get my cards I feel a tap on my back so I turn around. "What do ya' want? Don't you see i'm in the middle of a game?" I say, turning around to see who was trying to get my attention.

I turn around and see someone familiar, Valentino. An overlord just like me, it's not that rare to see him at my casino but he's usually busy. "Hello Husker~ I have a bet for you!~" Valentino says. I know he's loaded with cash so of course I was interested. "Oh well, what is it?" I say, looking at him smiling, his smile is weird as fuck and creepy but anytime I see him that's just what he looks like...that must just be his face

"Well...I'd like to bet the one and only angel dust~" as he says that he moves and I see the man standing there, in a pink and white dress with a heart cut out on the chest so his chest fluff pokes out. I get confused as he says that because angel dust is a person...I mean know it's not unheard of to bet people..but no one has actually done that here before. of course I know Angel dust makes Valentino money so I'm confused again, he must be wanting something very valuable from me if he's willing to bet Angel dust.

"Huh...well what do you want from me if you win?" I ask "oh...not much! I just want about...60% of this casino~ "  Valentino says. Of course he wants something like that from me, he wouldn't bet that moneymaker of his just for something so simple.

I'm so interested...stupidly enough. But I could use some more workers, and I've been betting things and playing casino games for my whole life, so I give in.

", why the hell not. Sit down, we'll play Poker."

~time skip~

Of course, as I thought it would be, I'm wiping the floor with this idiot. As we're on the last round, I win,Of course. Valentino seems to be shocked. I don't understand how he even thought he had a chance. He then gets visibly angry. He's the one that wanted to bet his whore?? Eh whatever.

"I..." he sputters out..I'm guessing he's actually realizing how stupid his bet was. In Hell casinos you can take back bets. The only way you could get the thing back is to play for it again. So after a second or two I see a red chain appear on Angel dusts neck. It breaks and then a yellow one appears on his neck, replacing the red one. "HEY WAIT." Valentino yells at me as I walk over to Angel dust. I turn to Val. "Let's play again." He says, but i don't really want to waist my time on him. "Nah..but good game" as I say that he gets visibly even more angry. He begins to walk towards me, his hand extended like he was going to backhand me. How dumb is this guy?

I snap my fingers quickly and two of my bodyguards appear in front of me, ready to escort him out. "Later man" I say smiling at him as the bodyguards drag a screaming and cursing Valentino out of my casino. I then turn back to Angel dust.

~Angels Pov~

After Husker beats Valentino in Poker I get shocked..was I actually free from Val..?

The red chain that Val usually had around my neck appears and breaks..I'm actually free from him! I was so happy in that moment, but then a gold, less heavier chain appears out of thin air on my neck, the happiness disappeared as I remembered I am not free...I just belong to someone else, but maybe he won't be as bad as Val? I look over at Husker, who was walking over to me with the gold chain in his hand, but then Val yells over at him. "HEY WAIT." He said. After that he said he wanted a rematch. I got nervous thinking about if Val won against him again, but Husker turned the rematch down, is this really happening?

Val then rushes towards us, with that angry look he does, he put his arm out like he wanted to slap husk right there, but two big guys appeared in front of him to protect him and I.
After Val is dragged out Husker looks back at me.

"Well uh...hello I guess" he says "hey there, master~" I say back to him, flirty of course because if I could manage to get in an overlords pants that'd be great. But he didn't react how I thought he would, he looked at me with a sorta disgusted look but then he seemed like he tried n' hide it "I don't know if ya' had to call Valentino that but uh..ya' don't gotta call me that. Just call me husk." Oh..well that was sorta unexpected but I'm not gonna stop trying~ "how bout' I call ya' daddy instead~"

~husk's Pov~

Uh. Okay what the fuck? I know he's a whore and a porn star but I didn't expect him to call me master or fucking daddy?? "Uh. No husk is fine." I say turning away from him "follow me" I start walking past all the slot machines and people betting games as I take this slut to where he's gonna stay. "Yes Sir~" he says as he follows me. Ugh, maybe I should've gave him back to Val. He's already on my nerves.

End of part one

Hii guys!! I hope your enjoying the story so far and I hope you enjoy the rest even more :)
Lmk what you think of it so far!

Words: 1010

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