chapt 13

180 3 4

I couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't. My thoughts were to busy to shut down.
Just reminding me over, and over again about what I saw. All those pictures of me on the wall.
Why does he have so many photos of me? Has Jacob really been stalking me?

I sigh in frustration. 
So this is how Blaze feels all the time without sleep. I got up from bed, seeing it was like 2am or somthing.

Right now I just want some comfort.

I knock on Blazes door.
Knowing him, he'd probably be awake right now. Hearing slight movements in their proved my point, as he opened his door.
"Lucas, What's wrong? it's the middle of the night you should be asleep." Blaze said.

"Yes but- Uh! Why aren't you wearing a shirt!" I Stutter looking away from him embarrassed. And maybe having a small gay panic.
"I was changing." Blaze said bluntly a smrik forming on his face.

In the middle of the night?!

"Besides you've already seen me naked before. so what's their to hide?" He pointed out. "Anyways why are you up?" He asked again.

"I couldn't sleep" I admit "So I was wondering if I could sleep with you? If that's okay." I said a bit embarrassed

"Sure I don't mind." After saying that he  grabbed my hand, taking me in his room.
Turning the lights of as we laid down next to eachother. It was quiet for a while until Blaze finally spoke
"You sure you're okay?"Blaze asked again, his fingers brushed against my cheek.

H1¹¹e sighs sounding a bit frustrated since I didn't answer him.
"Does it have to do with this Jacob guy?"Blaze spoke firmly
I stared at him not giving an answer.
He sighs again. This time he sat up.

"Did I do somthing wrong?"


"You've been acting different ever since you met this guy.." Blaze began "I feel like you're pushing me away." He admits

I shook my head. "I'm not pushing you away... or at least I didn't mean to." I sat up beside him.
Holding his hand in mine, to get his attention.
"I'm sorry. I really am." I gave him a small smile. "I've just been having Trouble with school." I lied.

"And your doing it again." He mumbled moving his hand away from mine. My heart dropped.

'Why's it so hard to tell him? He's your boyfriend for fucks sake Lucas!' I mentally scream at myself.

"I-just.... fuck! I'm sorry I just can't tell you- I don't know how too." I struggle to say.

He looked at me one last time. Before he laid down on the bed again signaling me to lay down too. As I did he hugged me close.
"I'm not going to force you to tell me, but just remember we promised to be their for eachother no matter what."

"Okay." I said burying my face in his chest as I hugged him back wanting him close.

"I love you Blazey."

"I love you too sweetheart..."




[Short chapter ya know? Anyways I might redue the whole story when I'm not busy with school cause I have the whole lore written in my book but diff universes.]

Love Me, Love Me.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang