chpt 7

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Warning = blood, gore, death. Murder💃

Blaze's pov:

Blaze walked around the school halls heading to his next class. Waving goodbye at Lucas, due to them having a different class schedule.

As Blaze walked around the crowded people. He stopped when he felt a tap on his shoulder, Turning around to see Abby. Not her again.

"Hey Blaze!" She said in a cherry voice. "Hey, come back here." She called out too me when I started to walk away.

I walked a bit faster walking into my next class only to forget she's in my class too.


She sat right beside me. "Come on lets hang out again today." She pleads. I looked at her.
She's never going to stop.
on-less if we get rid of her.

I stopped. Looking around, thinking someone said something. Not again.

No that's not right.

'But we've given her the hint, we've told her too stop but she hasn't. come on, it'll feel good. Remember how nice the feeling was? All the blood the screams, the fear in their eyes, the relief, and excitement it gave you.'

I sigh annoyed before snapping out of my thoughts. At Abby waving her hand in my face.
"Hello?" She said. "Earth to Blaze." I ignored her paying attention to the teacher. She finnaly took the hint going quiet. Looking at the teacher as well.
"Let's go too that lake that's far in the park." I said to her. She looked at me smiling.

"The one that's hidden in the wood area?" She smiled excitedly. I nod "Yeah, so is that a yes or no?" I asked. "Yes." She simply said.


I snuck my phone to text Lucas real quick.


Hey, I'm going too be home late again.

How late? :Lucas

Very late.


I have too run some errands.


Don't worry, I'll still get home. And don't stay up again.

Okay fine.


____ ______ ________ ______ ______ _______

It was 6 or so. I walked with Abby around the park. Both of us eating ice-cream. It was already getting dark.

"So wanna go find the lake now?" I asked smiling at her. She smiled back happily "mhm!" We walked towards the wood looking for the lake well mostly her. I already knew where it was, it's just been a while since I've been here.

Eventually we found the lake. Abby looked around smiling, as she turned too look at me grabbing my hand, dragging me close to the lake.
"It's pretty, don't you think?"

"It is. Such a shame this will be the last you'll see it." I said bluntly.

Abby grew stiff when she heard his response. "What?" She wisperd turning her head slowly to look at me.

No one's pov:

Abby froze in place, the knife that Blaze now had in his hand pressed against her throat. He had a cold look but his eyes seemed as they slightly glowed red a psychotic smile on his face.

"Don't make a sound." He Warned. Tears trickled down her face. Her body shiverd at the sharp knife. "Why...W-why are you doing this?" She Stutters barley being able to speak.

Blaze looked at her, a smile forming on his lips.
"You kept getting in the way." He shrugs "Simple really." He continued laughing a bit.

"You know I promised Lucas I'd never do this again." He said looking down at Abby. "But he doesn't have to know." He mumbled.

"N-No wai-" Blaze sliced her neck making her fall to the floor blood spewing everywhere. She tried to yell but couldn't. Blaze got ontop of her, Raising the knife.

Stabbing her over, and over again. Abby laying there on the ground lifeless. "Ha..haha...shit." Blaze cursed at himself realizing what he did. The blood all over his body.

Gripping onto his hair, In anger.
Fuck, fuck. I promised I wouldn't do this. What will Lucas say?

Who cares? He doesn't have to know.

But look at her I just killed someone...

We've done this before. Besides didn't it feel good?

Yeah, but-

But nothing. now get rid of her body.

I sigh looking at Abby, Her now lifeless eyes. The puddle of blood around her.

I grabbed my lighter burning her body. No one's going to see much of the smoke in this hour. I stared at the light of the fire, I shiverd slightly. Looking at the knife I still had in my hands. It's was covered in her blood...

After an hour or so there was nothing left but ashes. So I kicked most of it in the lake.

(I would do the same.)

I drove back home, it was really late.
And it was quiet which was bad. That's when it was me, and just the voices in my head.

What if he sees me like this..

Lucas, should be asleep right now. But if he wasn't just sneak inside, go to your room, take a shower, and get rid of all the evidence. Easy.

It's not as easy, as it used too be...

That's because we have Lucas to ourselves. And he lives with us in the apartment which would be harder to do stuff like that.

What? No that was the final time I'll ever do that again.

You said that last time.

I arrived back in the apartment. I slowly opend the door, All the lights were off. I walked slowly too my room. About too open the door-

"Hey, Blaze?" I stopped moving hearing Lucas voice. I didn't look at him. I just kept my gaze at the door.
"Yeah?" I whisper.

"I forgot to tell you, that we have a test tomorrow on social studies." He said sounding tired.

"Okay...thanks. goodnight" I said opening the door of my room and instantly closing it once I got in.

Holy shit that was close.

I thought to myself. Walking to the bathroom to take my clothes off and to take a shower.


I've never wrote this much wooooo! Okay hi I hope you're enjoying this:) ♡
- author ♥

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