Chpt 2

545 4 2

(The smut is almost at the
end be patient)

"Hello?! Blaze it's me! Abby."

My eyes went wide as blaze took the blindfold off of me, and took the ropes off too.
Shit, Shit, Shit. I got up from the bed grabbing my clothes. while Blaze started to put his pants back on.
He had an annoyed look on his face.

Blaze's pov:

I grabbed my shirt, putting it back on. Groaning annoyed that Abby kept knocking, and knocking on the door.

I looked over at Lucas seeing him all red. I smiled a bit amused seeing a bit of his neck coverd in hickeys. 

After putting my clothes back on I walked out the room.

"I'll get it." I said leaving Lucas by himself to keep having a gay panic or whatever.  (Me fr since I'm writing this at school)

I opened the front door annoyed,  Looking at Abby. This bitch.

"Yes?" I asked, with a forced smile on my face.

"Hey Blazey I-"

"don't call me that." I interrupted.

"But your friend Lucas calls you that." She protest. Yeah "friend". I sigh annoyed.

"That's because he's my 'friend' I've known for a longer time then you." I answer. God I hate her. Why's she even here?


"What do you want anyways? I'm busy." I interrupted.

"I wanted to hang out." She said having her innocent smile but really I could see right through her

"Yeah, no. Can't. Bye."

I said bluntly about to close the door but she stopped me. I fucking swear

"Come on. Look if not today then how about tomorrow?" She said

"We have school-"  "After school?" She interrupts. I looked at her still annoyed. If I say no she's never gonna give up either way.


"REALLY?!" she asked excitedly. I nod.. "Yes, Now can you leave?"  I asked getting impatient. She nods before walking off.


I closed the door. Locking it before walking back to my room only to stop seeing Lucas sitting on the couch of the living room On his phone.

"Who was it?"  He asked while still keeping his eyes on his phone. I walked up to him sitting beside him.

"Abby.she wants me to hang out with her." I mumbled. He quickly looked at me now a frown on his face. "For real?" I nod.
"I hate her." He said looking back at his phone.

Lucas's pov:

I hated Abby. why does she always have to get in the way of everything? I snapped out of my thoughts when Blaze spoke up.

"Don't tell me you're jealous~" He said with a playful smirk. I didn't look at him. Keeping my eyes on my phone embarrassed.

"No I'm not." I said my face felt all warm.

"You're face is all red." He said.

"Shut up."  I mumbled

He laughed a bit.



"Lucas~" He said with a lustful look in his eyes.

"Hey stop looking at me like that." I say, blushing.

He Suddenly pushed me down against the couch, smashing his lips against mine. He slides his tongue in forcefully.

"Mmph ~" shit why's he being so touchy today?

"Mmn.. w-wait~" I said trying to push him off. But failed as I felt his hand starting to touch my crotch. My eyes were half closed.

I could barley breathe. The more he kissed me the more I lost focus from my thoughts.

"Hahh~...nghh~" I moan, gripping onto Blazes shirt. He stopped kissing me before he moved lower starting to suck and bite on my neck.





Hello I literally have no idea what I'm doing :')- author

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