64. "I'll Bring The Ruin!"

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"Az have you been even listening?" I rubbed my temple to ease the escalating headache putting the files aside, "I can't believe I've been shopping for our engagement alone when we both are getting engaged," Davina spat I clenched my jaw killing th...

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"Az have you been even listening?" I rubbed my temple to ease the escalating headache putting the files aside, "I can't believe I've been shopping for our engagement alone when we both are getting engaged," Davina spat I clenched my jaw killing the urge to kill her this instant I'm already regretting agreeing with this marriage agreement,

"Now don't tell me you have work to do," She scoffed rolling her eyes, and sat in front of me again, "Mr. Harrington this your tea for headache, do you wish for breakfast?" Maria placed the tea on the counter, "No, Maria I'll have something later," I closed my eyes to get rid of the headache but how that fucking can happen when the walking headache isn't ready to leave,

I glanced at Maria, she has gone silent only replies when asked and that warm smile has vanished I cast my eyes back to the cup in my hand as she looked down at me, the disconsolate looks she cast me couldn't go unnoticed as though meaning to say something which I have no answers of she got out of the kitchen,

"I think you should find another caretaker for this penthouse Az baby, this gloomy woman gives me chilling vibes," Davina widened her eyes dramatically I held my head down already feeling exhausted even though it's just the start of the day,

Davina opened her mouth to say something but I cut her,  off"Leave me alone Davina," I sighed, "Why don't you start taking night sleep rather than be awake the whole night and working on god knows what!" She threw her arms in the air and exasperated I looked straight into her eyes sometimes she forgot I'm not some mere fling of hers,

"Leave now I have no time for your bullshit!" I gritted out, she crossed the counter and came next to me, I don't think she is willing to live through this life, she bent her torso to my level pushing her ready to tear the dress breasts out, and ran her fingers over my shoulders slowly, "Come on Az-"

"Leave the fuck out now!" I roared she flinched back, "What's wrong with you! You behave as though you are forced into this Azriel...! You gave your consent willingly! Yet why am I the only one fucking working for this supposed marriage!?" She exclaimed pouring the pant-up fury on me,

I got up towering over her and she gulped visibly as I looked down straight into her eyes so I could make her understand once and for all,

"Get this fucking shit inside your head Davina... I consented over this marriage because I'm receiving more of your father's east side business as he is getting bankrupt! And your father is obtaining aid to get back on your feet again from this so-called marriage shit! This should be enough so don't be a selfish bitch for wanting more because I ain't giving you anything but my name which should be more than enough for you," I maundered

Tears gathered in her eyes as she backed off she grabbed her bag casting one last hatred-filled glance and stormed out I sat back down cupping my head as the thumping in my head increased, I'm repenting agreeing to this, I had this thought that agreeing to this might get Adira DeRose off my mind but... I was indeed wrong she has been planted in my head in a way that the more I try to erase her from my mind the more I find myself thinking about her,

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