f o u r t e e n

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The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in Heeseung's room. Jake stirred, gradually becoming aware of his surroundings. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he realized he hadn't left Heeseung's house, and there, in front of him, was Heeseung, peacefully asleep.

Attempting to shift, Jake noticed that Heeseung's grip on his waist was surprisingly firm. Both of Heeseung's hands were clasped around Jake, holding onto him as if he were a lifeline. A chuckle escaped Jake's lips at the unexpected discovery.

"Well, someone's not letting go," Jake mused to himself, amused by the clinginess of the usually composed Heeseung.

Deciding not to disturb Heeseung's peaceful slumber, Jake gently ruffled his hair with one hand, marveling at the contrast between the charismatic persona Heeseung often displayed and the vulnerable, clingy side revealed in the quietude of the morning.

As Jake continued to observe the sleeping Heeseung, a mix of emotions played on his face - amusement, fondness, and a hint of the complexities that lingered from the events of the previous night. The room, bathed in the soft hues of dawn, became a canvas for a moment suspended between the intimacy of shared vulnerability and the simplicity of morning rituals.

With a final chuckle, Jake decided to let Heeseung continue his peaceful slumber. The morning, filled with the promise of a new day, unfolded with a quiet understanding that some moments were best embraced in the gentle embrace of morning light.

Heeseung stirred, slowly emerging from the realm of dreams to the soft reality of morning. His eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the gentle light that painted the room. As consciousness returned, he found himself met with an unexpected sight - Jake, still by his side, a serene smile playing on his lips.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Jake teased, his fingers still gently running through Heeseung's tousled hair.

Heeseung blinked, confusion momentarily clouding his features before the events of the previous night flooded back. The vulnerability of his drunken confessions, the sincerity behind his plea for Jake to stay - it all came rushing back.

A faint blush colored Heeseung's cheeks as he realized he was still holding onto Jake with a grip that betrayed a hint of desperation. "Uh, morning," he mumbled, releasing his hold on Jake as he sat up.

Jake chuckled, a warmth in his eyes that mirrored the morning sunlight. "You're quite the cuddler, you know. Didn't want to let go, huh?"

Heeseung's blush deepened, but he couldn't deny the truth in Jake's words. "Well, I didn't expect you to stay."

Jake's smile softened. "Sometimes unexpected things happen."

As Heeseung took in the scene - the morning light casting a gentle glow on Jake, the remnants of vulnerability lingering in the air - a mix of emotions played across his face. Regret, gratitude, and a subtle yearning for understanding.

"Jake, about last night..." Heeseung began, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Jake, sensing the weight of the unspoken words, placed a comforting hand on Heeseung's shoulder. "We can talk about it, but let's do it with clear heads, okay?"

Heeseung nodded, appreciating Jake's understanding. As they navigated the delicate aftermath of the night, the room became a sanctuary for candid conversations and the unspoken connection that lingered between them.

With a playful grin, Jake suggested, "How about I make us some breakfast? It might help with that alcohol-induced headache of yours."

Heeseung, still feeling the lingering effects of the previous night's escapade, agreed with a grateful nod. They descended the stairs to Heeseung's kitchen, and Jake set to work on preparing a simple yet comforting breakfast.

As Jake moved about the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sizzle of eggs filled the air. Heeseung, taking a seat at the kitchen island, couldn't help but wince as the sunlight streaming through the windows intensified his headache.

"Alright, spill it. Why did you get so drunk last night?" Jake inquired, a teasing glint in his eyes as he flipped an omelet.

Heeseung sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "I guess I needed an escape. Things got complicated, and I just... I lost myself for a moment."

As Heeseung opened up about the complexities that led to his inebriated state, Jake, ever observant, noticed his own fingers fidgeting with a bracelet. The piece of jewelry bore the letter 'N,' and curiosity got the better of Heeseung.

"What's with the bracelet? Another admirer?" Heeseung asked, a hint of playful jealousy tinging his words.

Jake chuckled, holding up his wrist to reveal the friendship bracelet. "This? It's from Ningning. She gave it to me yesterday. Just a token of friendship."

Heeseung's eyes flickered with a mixture of relief and something else - a subtle twinge of jealousy. "Ningning, huh?"

Jake, sensing Heeseung's unease, decided to lighten the mood. "Don't worry, Heeseung. She's just a friend. Besides, I'm here making breakfast for you, not her."

The tension eased as Jake plated the breakfast - a spread of eggs, toast, and coffee. Heeseung couldn't help but appreciate the effort Jake had put into cheering him up.

As they sat down to enjoy the morning meal, the kitchen became a haven for candid conversations and shared laughter. The complexities of the night began to dissolve in the warmth of friendship and the assurance that, in that moment, it was only Heeseung and Jake, navigating the intricacies of their connection one breakfast at a time.

As Jake enjoyed the morning with Heeseung, a call interrupted the peaceful atmosphere. Pulling out his phone, he saw it was from his brother, Jaewoo. With a slightly apologetic smile, Jake explained the situation.

"My brother needs me to pick up Layla, my dog. She's been staying at his place for a while when I get busy with studies. Would you mind coming along?"

Heeseung agreed with a nod, expressing a desire for a change of scenery and a break from the lingering effects of the previous night's revelry. They decided to walk to Jaewoo's house, which wasn't far, providing a leisurely stroll and a chance for Heeseung to clear his mind.

Upon reaching Jaewoo's house, Layla's joyous barks echoed through the air. Jake's face lit up as he opened the door, and Layla bounded towards him with unbridled excitement. Heeseung, observing from behind, couldn't help but notice the softness in Jake's eyes as he interacted with his furry companion.

"You're such a good girl, Layla," Jake cooed, scratching her behind the ears. Layla wagged her tail furiously, radiating pure joy at the reunion.

Heeseung, witnessing this tender moment, found himself charmed by the side of Jake that was reserved for Layla - a side he rarely showed to others. As they left Jaewoo's house, Layla happily trotting alongside them, Heeseung couldn't deny the warmth that emanated from witnessing such a genuine connection.

The two continued their walk, this time towards the Han River. The sunlight played on the water's surface, casting a serene glow on the surroundings. Layla, with her leash in Jake's hand, added a touch of lightheartedness to their journey.

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