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As the clock ticked away in the bustling lunchroom, Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki sat at their usual spot, their camaraderie punctuated by laughter and animated conversations. However, as the minutes passed, an unspoken concern settled over them like a dark cloud.

"It's been about 15 minutes since lunch started, and still no sign of Jake," Jungwon remarked, furrowing his brows in worry.

Sunoo, usually the embodiment of bubbling energy, exchanged a concerned glance with Niki. "Yeah, he's never this late. Should we go check on him?"

Niki, known for his humorous banter, chimed in with a more serious tone, "Maybe he's caught up in something. We should make sure he's okay."

The friends, bound by a tight-knit bond, decided to investigate the unusual absence of their friend. Rising from their seats, they navigated through the crowded lunchroom, weaving between tables and students engrossed in their midday conversations.

The concern deepened as they reached the restroom area, only to find it devoid of any sign of Jake. They exchanged worried glances, the atmosphere shifting from the usual light-hearted banter to a palpable sense of unease.

"He's not in the restroom. Where could he be?" Sunoo mused, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

Jungwon, the compassionate friend, suggested, "Let's check a few other places he might be. Maybe he lost track of time."

Niki, ever the class clown, added, "Or maybe he found a secret portal to another dimension. You know, the usual stuff."

Despite Niki's attempt to inject humor into the situation, the worry lingered. The friends ventured to Jake's usual hangouts, the library and the courtyard, but there was no trace of him. The air was thick with uncertainty, and the passage of time only intensified their concerns.

As the friends reconvened at their lunch spot, the clock ticking away, Sunoo couldn't hide the unease in his voice. "Guys, this isn't like Jake. Something's off."

Jungwon nodded, his usual affable demeanor replaced by a solemn expression. "I agree. We should ask around and see if anyone has seen him."

The concern deepened as Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki embarked on a mission to gather information about Jake's whereabouts. They navigated through the lunchroom, weaving through clusters of students engaged in animated conversations. The air was thick with worry, and their shared unease manifested in furrowed brows and exchanged glances.

Approaching Heeseung, who sat at a lunch table surrounded by his friends, the trio greeted him with a mix of urgency and concern. "Hey, Heeseung, have you seen Jake? He's usually never this late," Jungwon inquired, his eyes reflecting the genuine worry etched across his features.

Heeseung, caught off guard by the inquiry, briefly scanned the room as if searching for a familiar face. His usually confident demeanor faltered for a moment before he responded, "No, I haven't seen Jake. Maybe he's just caught up in something. You know how it is."

Sunoo, sensing a trace of uncertainty in Heeseung's response, pressed further. "Are you sure? We've been looking for him everywhere, and no one seems to know where he is."

Heeseung, now feeling the weight of the situation, shook his head. "I really haven't seen him. Maybe he's in the library or somewhere studying. You know how focused he gets."

Jungwon, known for his empathy and perceptive nature, detected a subtle unease in Heeseung's demeanor. "If you hear or see anything, please let us know. We're just worried about him."

As Heeseung nodded in acknowledgment, a pang of guilt settled in the pit of his stomach. The conversation with Sunghoon in the bathroom echoed in his mind, and an internal conflict brewed beneath his calm exterior. He couldn't shake the feeling that Jake's sudden absence was somehow connected to the clandestine conversation he had overheard.

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