t h r e e

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The next day, Jake found himself entangled in the clutches of sleep, oblivious to the persistent calls of his alarm clock. The morning sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow on his room, but Jake remained blissfully unaware in the realm of dreams.

As the minutes ticked away, Jake's alarm clock escalated its efforts, the incessant beeping echoing through the room. Finally, with a groggy sigh, Jake stirred from his slumber, blinking against the intrusion of reality.

"Ugh, what time is it?" he muttered to himself, squinting at the alarm clock's display.

To his dismay, he realized he had overslept, and the clock displayed a time far later than the usual start of his day. Panic flashed across his face as he hurriedly threw back the covers and stumbled out of bed.

In a whirlwind of activity, Jake rushed through his morning routine with the speed of someone trying to catch up with lost time. Toothbrush in hand, he simultaneously attempted to tame his unruly hair, giving it a haphazard styling that mirrored the chaos of the morning.

As he darted around his room, collecting essential items, he couldn't help but mutter to himself, "Why does time always have to be in such a rush?"

Finally, with a hasty grab of his backpack, Jake dashed out the door, his shoes not quite tied and his shirt half untucked. The typical swagger in his step was replaced by a hurried urgency as he navigated the school corridors.


As he maneuvered through the crowded hallways, his gaze fixed on the ground, a sudden collision interrupted his groggy march. Startled, Jake looked up just in time to find himself crashing into someone, and that someone was Heeseung.

Their collision created a brief moment of chaotic stillness, and for a split second, Jake and Heeseung locked eyes - a mixture of surprise and confusion mirrored in both their expressions.

"Heeseung, watch where you're going," Jake mumbled, rubbing his eyes as if that would somehow erase the remnants of sleep.

Heeseung, seemingly unfazed by the collision, raised an eyebrow. "Well, maybe if you weren't sleepwalking through the hallways, we wouldn't have this issue."

Jake, with a yawn that could have been mistaken for indifference, replied, "Yeah, yeah. Blame it on the morning classes. They're a crime against sleep."

Heeseung chuckled, "Tell me about it. Anyway, you better hurry if you don't want to be fashionably late to whatever thrilling class awaits."

With a casual wave, Jake continued on his way, the encounter with Heeseung lingering in the air. As the day unfolded, the collision became a humorous anecdote exchanged among friends during lunch.


During lunchtime, the quartet of Jake, Niki, Sunoo, and Jungwon engaged in their usual banter, sharing laughter and discussing the day's events. The cafeteria provided the backdrop for their animated conversation, and the atmosphere was charged with the vibrant energy of high school camaraderie.

Amidst their lively exchange, Ningning approached the table with a friendly smile. "Hey, mind if I join you guys?" she asked, her gaze lingering on Jake.

"Absolutely, pull up a chair!" Niki exclaimed, making space for Ningning to join their circle.

As she settled in, the conversation flowed seamlessly, touching on everything from classes to weekend plans. However, the dynamics subtly shifted when Ningning turned her attention towards Jake.

"So, Jake," Ningning began with a playful glint in her eyes, "I was thinking, since you don't have soccer practice today, maybe we could hang out later?"

Playful Triumph (heejake)Where stories live. Discover now