Chapter 19. Gryffindor vs Slytherin

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Amaryllis walked toward the Quidditch field with Susan, Amelia, and Hermione. The latter had begun to join them in her free time since she wasn’t ready to forgive Ron and he hadn’t seemed to understand. She had told them how many times he came up to her and apologized, yet he didn’t seem to think his words were just that—words. So they were more than happy to include Hermione whenever she came over. And it had become quite often when she wasn’t in classes.

It was how Amaryllis had further found out about the three-headed dog her brother hadn’t told her about. Or the fact that Hagrid had let it slip it was his and how they thought Professor Snape was after whatever it was guarding when they noticed his leg was bit. Hermione didn’t know if it was the same thing that Hagrid had taken from Gringotts or not, but Amaryllis had a feeling it was, and her brother had come to that same conclusion. Why it was hidden inside the castle was another question. Especially if it was that valuable or sought after.

As they climbed up the oval Pitch in the middle of the open field, Amaryllis couldn’t help but stare at the sky. It had for once turned clear with rays of light beaming down. It brightened the grounds, giving it a glow that awed her whenever she was outside, but it wasn’t warm anymore. It had become chilly enough they wore their warmer clothes outside with a thicker cloak on. The higher they went, the colder, and the more anxious she got. She remembered the man’s and squids words and wondered if standing in the Pitch was enough of her invading the sky or not.

Yet the sky remained clear, even as they stopped at the top. But Amaryllis wouldn’t go any further. She took a seat at the bottom row with the excuse she wanted to be closer. It was questionable if either actually believed her, but they didn’t voice any concerns and she didn’t elaborate either. The last thing she wanted to do was test her fate again with being struck.

Amaryllis’s gaze swept across the Quidditch players. It was Slytherin vs Gryffindor and she had spotted Fred, George, and Harry on the field, but it was the blond that had her question Hermione, “what is he doing on the field?”

“Malfoy? He bought his way onto the team after Harry didn’t get into trouble.”

“Are they mad?” In a sense. She thought they all were. She was happy for Harry, but she didn’t see how bending the rules because her brother caught Neville’s remembrall was something to reward him with a position on the team. Even if she wanted to say something, the words always got caught in her throat when she saw how her brothers eyes lit up when he talked about Quidditch and how their dad used to play too—even the same position; seeker. It didn’t mean it was right when first-years weren’t allowed on the team.

The only thing Amaryllis could say was that Harry got in on talent alone, while Malfoy didn’t… or couldn’t. She’d prefer if he an awful player. It just might have made the game interesting.

Susan nodded her head slowly while keeping her eyes on the field.

Hermione turned to her. “You do know who his father is, don’t you?”

“Should I?”

Susan’s eyes widened as she turned to her. Surprise masked all over her face. “You don’t?” Susan continued when she just raised a brow at her. “He has many connections at the Ministry. Draco is basically untouchable because of his father.”

“I never cared. Besides, it shouldn’t matter who your father is. It doesn’t give you the right to be a pompous pig.”

“You’re not wrong,” Susan stated. Her hands laid flat on the wooden railing, and a grim expression came over her face. “But sometimes, there’s nothing that you can do. Some are too untouchable.”

“No ones untouchable.”

Hermione’s eyes narrowed onto her. Her brown eyes searched for an answer to a question that wasn’t spoken, but easily readable, ‘what are you thinking?’

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