Chapter 12. First day of classes Part 1

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Mornings were never her thing, and yet she has found herself awake before the other girls in her dorm.

She found Susan in the bed to her right, sleeping soundly.

Grabbing the uniform from her trunk as quietly as she could to not disturb them, she headed to the bathroom just off their room. After a quick warm shower and putting her uniform on, she heard the door open behind her.

“You’re up early.”

Amaryllis turned at the sound of Susan’s voice.

“Morning. And yeah, I just woke up and didn’t bother to try and go back to sleep.”

“That excited?”

“To learn magic? Yes. To do work?” She laughed, shaking her head. “No.”

Susan snorted, walking further into the bathroom with their uniform in hand. “I don’t think anyone really likes the work. The other girls are awake and chatting away. I’m hungry and ready to get breakfast.”

Amaryllis hummed in reply as Susan went to change and she quickly out her hair in a high ponytail. She had no idea what to expect in the classes, but she’d rather be prepared just in case.

Stepping out of the bathroom, she noticed the other girls were chatting away, still sitting on their respective beds.

She learned the girl that slept to the right of her was Amelia Jones. Sasha was next to her and Olivia was to the right of Susan, coming around in a full wide circle.


Amaryllis turned to see Susan dressed in the grey plaited skirt and shirt with the robe that magically added their house crest. The tie had also added yellow that twisted around.

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Voices drifted into the corridors from the Great Hall as they got closer.

It had just been her and Susan that headed out first, as the other girls were not ready, but neither one minded. Susan had told her she hadn’t talked much to them last night to leave her to walk alone. Susan’s excitement for Charms had her anticipation for the class soar. Not so much for the History of Magic, especially when Susan told her all about the reading that was involved in that class.

If any class would give her a constant migraine, it would be that one.

Amaryllis glanced at the Gryffindor table on their way in, but didn’t see her brothers messy black hair or Ron’s bright red that stuck out. She did however see Fred and George who waved enthusiastically to her which she returned.

“What classes are you looking forward to?”

She took a moment to ponder over Susan’s question as she began to pile eggs, bacon, and toast onto her plate. It was one thing to hear what the classes were like, and another to experience it. There was the aspects of reading, actual magic, and writing that differentiated between them all that she didn’t know which she might prefer over others.

“Probably Charms, but when doesn’t it when you can cast spells?” The problem was being able to read the spells. “The others, I’m not really sure. Some we can’t take until at least third-year, unfortunately.”

Susan hummed in reply, taking a sip of whatever juice she had the cup conjure. “Hagrid is the gamekeeper, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I’ve heard some other students hear how he shouldn’t have been allowed to come back. He doesn’t seem like that bad of a person.”

“He’s not. I’m not sure what they mean by that, but I wouldn’t listen to then.” Amaryllis said, taking a mouthful of eggs.

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