Chapter 10. Train ride

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“I’ll be back in a while.”

Amaryllis glanced at her brother who nodded, and turned back to Ron who was deep into talking about his brother Percy and how much of a prude he had been about becoming Prefect. Something she and Harry knew nothing about, but Harry was more than happy to hear everything Ron said.

On the other hand, Amaryllis couldn’t sit in that compartment any longer. She had become restless and needed to move, so she did just that.

Wandering the halls of the train helped ease her muscles that had begun to tense up. Another oddity that she hated. Harry was able to sit for longer periods of times than her, where she couldn’t last more than half an hour before she either began to drift off into her mind, or found something interesting within the room she sat. It quelled the need to move, but the compartment did not allow of that to happen as it was plain, except for the trunks overhead.

As she neared a compartment after her second lap, she heard a familiar voice, “All you have to do is throw this is the compartment twenty-seven and run before anyone sees you. No one will suspect you.”

Amaryllis threw open the compartment, narrowing her eyes at the twins. “Hello, Fred, George.”

“If it isn’t Mellie. Our new sister,” Fred, or George said.

“I’m not your sister.”

Fred, or who she thought was Fred, said, “Ah, mother won’t know the difference. You’ll make a perfect brother.”

“I think one brother is enough, thank you.”

“Is he as cool as us, though?” George questioned, raising a brow at her.

Amaryllis ignored George as she turned to a boy who seemed to be just as new as her. “Are they bothering you?”

A chorus of yes’s and a never from the twins echoed in the compartment.

Turning to the two other people she saw in the compartment, a boy with darker skin and black hair deadpanned at the twins while the girl had a slight tan with straight brown hair and shook her head.

“We just wanted him to give our brother Percy a welcoming back gift. That’s all,” Fred said as he held up a small ball in the palm of his hand. It looked normal. Yet the twinkle in Fred and George’s eyes told her otherwise.

“You can leave.” Amaryllis stared at the slightly cautious boy that glanced between her and the twins. “They won’t do anything, now will you?”

The twins pouted, shoulders slumped, but nodded, gesturing for him to leave. Amaryllis took the seat the boy occupied next to the girl.

“Put it in his bed.”

Fred and George stared at her shocked. The boy next to them mirrored their expression, though a small smile appeared on the twins face after a second.

“Did you do that to your brother?”

Amaryllis shook her head. “No. Our cousin. Got into a lot of trouble for that one too.”

“Where is your brother?”

“Talking with your brother.”

“Sneaky little thing he is.”

The girl next to her piped up, intervening the conversation the twins kept up. “Obviously these two won’t introduce us, but I’m Angelina. It’s nice to meet someone who keeps those two on their toes.”

The boy across from her held his hand out for her. “Lee Jordan.”

“Amaryllis,” she replied, shaking Lee’s hand.

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