Chapter 1. The letter

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No one asked to be born.

They didn’t ask for the parents that created them. Nor did they ask for the life they were thrust into no matter how much they fought to be normal.

Neither did they ask to lose their parents in a car crash and be stuck with relatives that hated them. For reasons unknown to Amaryllis and Harry, those were the circumstances they had been dealt with.

“Get up, you two.”

Amaryllis shot up on the top bunk as the sound of Uncle Vernon’s voice.

Harry groaned below her. The sound of the book he had been reading was set on the night stand. “We’re up.”

“We’ve been up,” Amaryllis mumbled under her breath.

Harry snorted, mumbling a silent agreement as he stood up.

“Let’s go, Lissie. You know it’ll only be worse.”

Amaryllis hopped down, hitting the floor with ease. “I know, I know.”

Her gaze swept over the book Harry had been reading, giving up as the words jumbled over the cover. A pang of jealousy coursed through her. He never had any problems reading, or paying attention, or seeing something no one else had. Uncle Vernon had tried to send her to someone two years ago, but Amaryllis had quickly learned she couldn’t tell everyone what she saw and found a way out of it.

No matter what she did, they never went away and she never got better. Not even with the medications the doctors prescribed, and Uncle Vernon had stopped getting them for her altogether.

So, Amaryllis dealt with it all the best she could. By proving herself the best she could while everyone shot her down, except her own brother; Harry.

Aunt Petunia was in the kitchen as they walked into the open kitchen and living room. As usual, Uncle Vernon was sitting at the table with the newspaper covering his face. A steaming cup of coffee sat to his right, barely a sip gone from it.

Their cousin, Dudley, was sitting next to their Uncle, eating away at the pile of food on the table.

Disgusting. Amaryllis’s face scrunched up as she watched Dudley shove food into his mouth.

“There you two are,” Aunt Petunia said, glancing at them from by the stove. “Grab the mail for your Uncle.”

“Why didn’t yo–” Harry jabbed her in the side, making her hiss at him.

Her glare was met with a pointed look that told her not to say anything.

“Right away, Petunia.”

“Watch your mouth, boy.”

Amaryllis glared back at Uncle Vernon as he glared at Harry from over the newspaper.


Amaryllis stayed rooted in her spot, wishing their Uncle would somehow spontaneously combust and be sent to the Underworld. The only place she felt would somehow let her escape from the reality she lived.

One book was all it took and Amaryllis was hooked on Greek mythology. The stories had intrigued her that she dived deep into it all. The stories and heroes that paved a life of glory and love. She wanted that. Harry had read most of them to her when the words jumbled too much for her to continue and he never complained once when she asked.

Harry returned a few seconds later with the mail. It was then she noticed two letters in one of his hands as he placed the mail down by Uncle Vernon.

Harry held one out for her, still staring at the envelope he held.

Amaryllis didn’t waste a second to grab her letter and hide it in her pocket. Her mouth opened to hiss at him to hide it before anyone saw but she had been to late when Dudley spoke.

“Harry’s got a letter.”

Amaryllis wanted to groan as Uncle Vernon placed the newspaper down quicker than she thought his body would physically move.

“Who would write you? Give it here, boy. Now.”

“But it’s got my name on it.”

Uncle Vernon stood and grasped the letter before Amaryllis could get to it first.

“That’s Harry’s letter. You can’t take that from him.”

Uncle Vernon glared over at her. “Don’t speak—” his face paled as he turned the letter over and stared at the front. His gaze swept to their Aunt’s who also had a dreaded look in her eyes.

Were their letters similar? Because now Amaryllis was more curious than anything to know the contents that seemed to scare them more than anything.

She absolutely loathed how they barely counted as people to them. Just two more mouths to feed and an inconvenience that had to tag along to keep their appearances up.

“This is trash. Rubbish that doesn’t need to darken our doorsteps, understand? We won’t stand for this here.”

Uncle Vernon barely looked up from the letter as he glanced at them. “I trust you both know your roles today?”

Harry turned to her with a brief look, turning back to Uncle Vernon as he answered. “Yes. We are to stay up in our room and make no noise as if we don’t exist.”

“And you?”

“I will do the same.”

“Precisely. Good. Now finish up the breakfast.”

Amaryllis’s jaw tightened. She would see the day they ate the words they spoke to them. “On it, your majesty.”

Uncle Vernon only huffed in response as she moved into the kitchen. Her Aunt Petunia moved around her, leaving the kitchen to coddle her ‘perfect’ son with kisses and praises.

There was nothing more Amaryllis wanted than to actually hide away in her room for the rest of the day. Now, her pocket felt heavy with the weight of a letter that may change everything. Or it was a hoax that would fall short and leave her deflated.

Harry helped her finish breakfast quicker. Though they both stole pieces here and there to eat without anyone else noticing and put it on plates for them.

“Breakfast is done,” Harry said, placing two plates down on the table.

Amaryllis set the third in the empty seat that their Aunt would take up once they left.

Amaryllis didn’t bother to mask the annoyance in her voice as she spoke. “We’ll be up in our room.”

“Not a peep,” Uncle Vernon restated, pointing his fork between them.

“Not even a squeak,” Amaryllis replied with a roll of her eyes.

Harry narrowed his eyes at her. “Lissie.”

She only shrugged in response, turned and headed toward the stairs to their room.

If they called it that. It was barely big enough to hold the bunk beds they were ‘graciously’ give to sleep on, two small dressers, and a nightstand. It left not room to move around a lot, and the only place to sit was their bed to read and do homework—which was already a tedious task for Amaryllis.

Author here. Hello! I had fit my pjo obsession, again, and had so many thoughts and crossover ideas (seems to be my go-to writing for fanfics) that I couldn't help but create this beauty that I had so many plot ideas on where to take this and how I want it to go and couldn't resist the urge to post what I have created so far. Either you love the story and continue with journey of Amaryllis, or you don't and stop it here. Neither is right or wrong, but for those that continue, thank you and welcome to my chaotic world of random uploads and a heartfelt, angst, heartache and painful journey this character will endure.

Sea and Serpent (PJO/HP)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ