Chapter 7. Not so good start

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“Never. Never again. You promised, Harry.”

Harry didn’t seem to pay attention as he turned to Hagrid. “What was in that second vault?”

Amaryllis was curious to, but kept her questions to herself. She must have zoned out in the bank when Hagrid informed the elf—goblin, as Hagrid so graciously corrected her earlier, he had another stop. It didn’t click in her mind when they descent and she had thought the next trip was just that; her last, back up. Not further down.

“Sorry ‘bout that, Amaryllis. Never was fond of those things. One speed.” Hagrid huffed as they walked further away from that place.

“Hagrid?” Harry repeated, asking the same question.

“Just something Dumbledore asked me to pick up for him. No worries. Let’s be gettin’ yer school supplies.”

Amaryllis shook her head at her brother. Whatever Hagrid picked up was none of their business. They barely knew him, just as he barely knew them. He had no obligation to tell them what it was he picked up in that vault. And she would rather focus on something other than the impending doom of a ride just to get money out of a bank.

Hagrid seemed on the same page as he quickly changed the topic with a question. “What’s first on yer lists?”

Amaryllis left the reading to Harry, knowing it would take her forever to even read on supply on that list and have Hagrid ask questions she wasn’t ready to answer. Considering she herself didn’t have them, she tended to avoid having others know about her disabilities. And Harry had no qualms about keeping them to himself either, as he would always say; it was her story to tell, not his.

Harry raised the parchment paper and stared at the list, reading off the first thing he saw. “A uniform? Three black robes and… a pointed hat?”

Amaryllis snorted. She pictured the with from The Wizard of Oz with a boil on the side of her face wearing dark robes and a pointed hat that flopped to the side slightly. The look was doubtful as no one she had seen since they had gotten to Diagon Alley looked even close to what she pictured, but a pointed hat had done it in for her.

“You’ll find all that at Madam Malkin’s. Best robe maker in all of Diagon Alley.”

“It doesn’t have…” Amaryllis sighed heavily, shoulders slumping as Hagrid ignored her.

Hagrid began to walk off before she could finish her sentence. Her and Harry had gone years with cheap clothing from second hand stores that anywhere else wouldn’t have mattered to either of them, but she left it be and followed behind Hagrid as he lead them to the front of a purple exterior shop that had Madam Malkin’s in bronze cursive lettering above a bay window.

Hagrid turned to them both, seeming unsure of what he was going to ask. “Would yeh two mind if I slip away for a pick-me-up at the Leaky Cauldron while yeh get your robes? Those Gringotts carts get me all the time.”

Maybe it was because she hated them just as much, because Hagrid looked greener than she felt. She wanted to ask why he succumbed himself to that torture of going down with him if he hated them so much, but Harry had spoke up after she nodded at him.

“‘Memeber, gold’s are Galleons, seventeen silver Sickles to a Galleon, and twenty-nine Knuts to a Sickle.”

Harry nodded, but she was lost.

“What just happened?”

Harry chuckled, walking toward the entrance as Hagrid walked away.

They were left alone once again, but it didn’t bother either one. Being left alone was what they were good at. It had always just been them against their their mother’s side of the family. Now it was them against… nothing. There hadn’t been a single issue they ran into besides this morning. Amaryllis hadn’t felt such a free feeling of no worries in so long she wanted to enjoy it. There was no telling what the school would be like.

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