Love Vs Hate

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Simon: sounds like a plan but I just have one question

Asha: what's that?

Simon: are you quite
sure we can do this?

Asha: together we will

Gabo: she'll have too
hear us

All: and now it's time
to redeem or it's time
to resolve

Asha: prove she can
trust me

All: and the outcome
will hardly come free

Asha: we'll save our
home and family

All: now the line's in
the sand and so our
moment's at hand

Gabo: and I'm ready

Amaya: I'm ready

Asha: I'm ready


Meanwhile Olivia created two knew throne's and she Philip sat down

Philip: ready as we'll
ever be

Olivia: they won't stand a chance against us

Philip: agreed... once we have that star we'll be able to free your father from the staff

Olivia: I never knew what was holding me back until now... it was my so called friends especially the short one who made me feel like my feelings didn't matter!

Philip: well I certainly don't think that at all

Olivia: I know

Suddenly a bright light came through the window

Olivia: it's about time

She used her magic to burst open the castle doors and saw everyone standing there. Asha was holding her wand

Asha: we didn't come to fight you Olivia!

Olivia: you say that as you holding your magic wand ready to fight

Philip: if that's not what your here to do then you just made this a lot easier

Gabo: be quiet you little piece of-!

Dahlia: Gabo!

Gabo: what? He's the villain!

Amaya: we're here to save you and Rosas!

Star started flying towards Olivia but she used her magic to hold him in place

Asha: Star!

Olivia: I will not have this tiny ball of light beat me!

Asha used her magic to free star

Olivia: That's it! Philip take care of the Star I'll handle these amateurs

Philip: with pleasure

Philip tried to capture Star but he was to fast

then Olivia used her magic to keep Asha and Amaya from moving. Dahlia, Simon, Dario, Safi, Hal, Bazeema and Gabo were surrounded by the people of Rosas

Asha: please come back to us!

Olivia: Enough! I know every little plan you're going to come up with so just give up! You hold no surprises for me!

Just then Star flew up to Olivia and hugged her

Philip: NO!

Olivia: W-What are you doing?! Let go!

The magic stopped working and everyone was freed. Philip couldn't control it and hit his head on a wall causing him to become unconscious

Gabo: HA!

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