First Impressions Matter

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Gabo: is something up?

Hal: what are you guys hiding?

Asha: nothing!

They all could here Valentino's voice

Asha: and nobody!

Olivia: as princess I order you to... I'm sorry I can't do that

Dahlia: what's going on?

Dario: why are you all sweaty?

Hal: you can tell us anything!

Gabo: MOVE! Or we break the door down!

Olivia: what?

Gabo: Uh... please move?

Asha: fine! Fine! Last night after everything happened I made a wish... on a star

Gabo wanted to say something rude but decided not to

Asha: and the star answered

Asha opened the door then they all saw chicken's dancing and singing together with Valentino and Star

Valentino: That's it lady's! Your wings can't fly but your voices CAN!

Gabo: what the heck?

Star flew up to all of them and Dahlia covered Safi's mouth before he could sneeze

Asha: these are my friends

Olivia: Star meet Dahlia, Simon, Dario, Safi, Hal, Bazeema and Gabo

Dahlia: this is objectively impossible!

Star booped Simon on the nose but then got upset

Simon: Huh? Why am I making you sad?

Asha: Oh Star Simon is 18 he already gave his wish to the king

Olivia: thats what happens to everyone when they become older enough

Simon: Huh I can't remember what I lost

Star made I heart out of yarn and gave it to Simon

Gabo: don't accept it!

Star flew up to Gabo who backed against the wall

Gabo: AH! Stay away from me! Am I the only one who realizes this is going to end very badly?!

Asha: not if everyone keeps quiet about star

Star laughed then flew up to Olivia and made a few noises

Olivia: I know Star but don't worry Gabo really nice

Gabo: You can understand what it's saying?!

Olivia: yes but I don't know how

Gabo: you shouldn't be telling us this! Magic is forbidden by anyone other than the royal family! And king magnifico is the only one authorized to grant wishes!

Asha: self authorized!

Simon: wait does star grant wishes?

Asha: no but he wants to help me pursue mine

Olivia: so do I

Dario: like a fairy godmother!

Gabo: life is not a fairytale!

Star made another heart out of yarn and gave it to Gabo

Gabo: what do you want me to do with this?!

Star got excited and pointed to Olivia then Gabo blushed

Gabo: I-I don't know what you're saying!

He dropped the heart and glared at Asha

Gabo: what did you wish for?! No! You know what?! Don't tell us! I want no part in this!

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