Can't Stay Silent

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Magnifico created golden scissors and gave them to Sonia

Sonia: my wish came true!

The crowd cheered again and Magnifico walked up to Asha

Magnifico: Asha obviously I will not be offering you the position as my apprentice but don't worry I will still protect your saba's wish and your mothers forever

He walked away with Amaya

Olivia: I'll talk to him ok?

Asha: Thanks

Olivia stood up and followed magnifico


Later that day magnifico Amaya and Olivia were having dinner in the castle

Magnifico: so my broken mirror was fixed! Took the servants long enough

Amaya: that wonderful my love

She noticed Olivia wasn't really eating anything

Amaya: Olivia dear are you alright?

Olivia: I-

Magnifico: you should be happy! I let you see the wishes and another wish had been granted

Olivia: ...Why wasn't Asha's Saba's wish-

Magnifico stood up from his seat

Magnifico: I already explained this! The wish is to dangerous!

Olivia: b-but I saw and I don't think it is!

Magnifico: you don't know anything Olivia! You are only 15! Not even old enough to make a wish!

Amaya: my love-

Olivia also stood up

Olivia: It's not just her saba it's everyone who gave up their wish and they don't even remember! It's wrong-!

Magnifico: ENOUGH!

Olivia stayed quiet

Magnifico: you are my daughter and I forbid you to see Asha and speak about the wishes! Do I make myself clear?!

Olivia tried not to cry and ran off

Amaya: don't you think you were too hard on her?

Magnifico: honestly I think I wasn't hard enough


Olivia ran towards her room but saw all the portraits of her family on the wall

Olivia: here comes a
wave meant to wash
me away a tide that
is taking me so deep
under its swallowing
sand so it's left with
nothing to say so my
voice is drowned out
in the thunder

Olivia looked a painting of herself but she didn't look happy in it

Olivia: but I can't cry
and I can't be starting
to crumble whenever
they try to shut me or
cut me down

She walked down the hallway and looked at a picture of magnifico

Olivia: I can't just be
silenced he shouldn't
keep me quiet can't
tremble when he try's
to all I know is I can't
go speechless!


Olivia left the palace and walked into the forest

Olivia: but I'll breathe
when the king try's to
suffocate me I can't
underestimate me I
know that I can't go

Suddenly there was a very bright light in the shy and Olivia saw Asha and her pet goat walking by

Asha: haha! what was that?

Olivia: Asha?

Asha noticed Olivia and ran up to her

Asha: Olivia! What are you doing here? Wait did you see that light?

Olivia: yes. Did you do that?

Asha: yes! Wait no... I don't know! But It was electric! It was joy and possibly and wonder! Inside the most loving light!

Olivia: can light be loving?

Asha: yeah that sounded ridiculous didn't it?

At that moment a bright light flew around them

Asha and Olivia: Whoa!

The light put yarn all over the trees. Then it stopped and looked like a small star

Asha: Um ok...

Olivia: what is that?

Star phew towards them and waved

Asha: hello there

Star made a few cute noises

Olivia: Uh thank you

Asha: wait Olivia you can understand it?

Olivia: you can't?

Asha: No!

Star laughed

Asha: you know it kinda looks like...

Olivia and Asha saw the yarn was made into a star shape

Asha: A star

Star nodded

Olivia: yeah that's his name

Asha: I know I wished on a star but... no! Yes?

Asha touched Star and he spread magic dust on mushrooms. Then the mushrooms yawn

Olivia: wow... you're full of magic aren't you?

Star nodded again

Asha: this is crazy!

mushrooms: we love crazy!

Asha and Olivia: Whoa!

Asha: ok I'm seeing things! Olivia can your father do this?

Olivia: no I've never seen anything like this before!

Then Asha's goat named Valentino started eating star's magic dust

Asha: Valentino what are you doing?! Don't eat that!

Valentino: it didn't work! When does the magic happen? Huh?! I'm talking! Who knew my voice would be this low?

Asha: somethings definitely happening

Olivia: it's kinda overwhelming

Star used his dust to make almost all the animals talk to

Porcupine: delicious!

Rabbit: that tastes chewy!

Squirrel: sparkly and spicy!

Then Star flew up to Asha

Asha: ok uh I have a few thousand questions starting with how did I manage to connect with a star all the way across the shy and ending with how is any of this possible?!

Olivia: follow up... how can I be the only one who understands you?!

Rabbit: just relax to all your questions there's one very simple answer

Asha: which is...

Squirrel: well think about it we're no different you and me

Olivia: Um... your an animal and we're people

Squirrel: true but we are all

Asha: anxious?

Olivia: confused?

Rabbit: and completely made up with the same thing!

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