What We Know Now

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Olivia: I made a wish when I was younger but he kept it ever since and crushed it right in front of me

Safi: wait the king was acting awfully... awfully...

Safi was about to sneeze but Bazeema covered his nose

Bazeema: awful

Dahlia: Simon looked like he was in pain

Gabo: yeah! right before he snitched on us!

Olivia: that was magnifico talking. He's controlling Simon with magic Asha and I saw it happen. He also crushed my wish right in front of me and now I only feel this grief...

Dahlia: you had a wish? But your not 18

Olivia: he stole it from me when I was a child

Safi: Achoo! We're doomed!

Asha: not if we fight

Olivia: together as a team

Star and Valentino shut the windows while Olivia shut the door

Asha: you've all been
deceived magnifico is
not the man he claims
to be he's much more
vicious than I could've
comprehended when I
made a wish and star
came down this is not
at all what I expected
or intended but now it
has happened I don't
regret it cause now I
have seen him show
his true colors in the
shades of green he's
saying wishes aren't
safe because of me
and that's a lie lie lie
lie and I know I can't
do this on my own so

Olivia: so If it's not us
then who and when

Star pointed to Gabo's heart and he got annoyed

Olivia: and If we don't
fight he knows he wins
can't allow so knowing
what I know now many
lengths he'll go there's
no amount i've already
seen enough play out
that's my new vow so
knowing what I know

Olivia shed a single tear and dahlia walked next to her

Dahlia: get up yah!

She threw a magnifico cookie on the ground

Dahlia: know I'm not
the only one that's!

All: yeah!

Dahlia: Fed up!

All: yeah!

Dario: wait until they
hear our feet go dun
dun dun dun!

Dario stomped on the cookie multiple times

All: yeah!

Hal: I don't think he's
prepared for what's

Gabo stood on top of a ladder

Gabo: a revolution hit
the ground running!

He jumped off of it and landed on the ground

Asha: there's only one
thing he can not keep

All: Uh huh!

Olivia: It's us and the
strength we've found
It's too loud

All: loud!

Asha: knowing what
we know now!

All: knowing what we
know now!

Gabo: and who who
knows if we will ever

Olivia: we won't stop
and we won't retreat
or turn round

Olivia smiled at Gabo and he felt more confident

All: round!

Asha: knowing what
we know now!

All: knowing what we
know now!

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