King And Queen

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Simon: have I become boring? Do you all think that?

Sabi pretended to sneeze

Sabi: achoo!

Olivia: n-no way!

Asha: not boring just...

Dahlia: calmer!

Simon: Oh...

Asha: Oh Simon don't worry your still you and get you'll get your wish granted every soon

Olivia: so will your Saba Asha I promise

Asha: hopefully it'll happen today

Just then they all saw queen Amaya walk into the room

Olivia: Mother!

Asha: the queen!

Dahlia: your majesty!

Everyone bowed except Olivia but she did stand up straighter

Amaya: Asha the king is ready for you

Asha: now? Am I late? I thought I-

Amaya: your fine the last interview-

A man ran past the kitchen crying

Amaya: finished early. Olivia would you like to accompany Asha?

Olivia: Oh yes! Of course

Amaya: wonderful. Shall we?

Asha: Ok! I'm ready!

Amaya walked ahead of Asha and Olivia but they didn't follow her yet

Asha: I am so not ready!

Olivia: you'll be alright just stay calm and be polite

Dahlia: good luck out there!

Asha: thanks. Both of you!

Asha and Olivia both left and followed Amaya

Gabo: Bye! Don't get your hopes up! Wait uh... don't lose hope!

Dario: Aww Gabo you like Olivia!

Gabo: N-No I don't! She's the princess I have to be nice!


Meanwhile Asha Amaya and Olivia were walking up a big flight of stairs

Amaya: an apprentice should always keep the fire going because the king likes his tea hot

Asha: uh huh

Amaya: he also likes to talk quite a bit feel free to just listen

Olivia: If you have any questions during the interview just ask me my father doesn't like to be interrupted

Asha: yes I will do that

Amaya: some items might seem strange but a sorcerer needs what a sorcerer needs is not your concern

Asha: Right!

Amaya: and above all do not expect to see the wishes don't even ask

Asha: yes ma'am I mean I won't your majesty

Olivia: I haven't even seen them in a long time

The three of them made it to the library

Amaya: I'm rooting for you Asha

Asha: you are? Thank you but... why?

Amaya: well I see how you look out for others it's clear how much you both love this kingdom and its people just like Olivia

Olivia: thank you Mother

Amaya: you're welcome now Asha are you ready to meet the king?

Asha: I hope so!

She looked around the library

Asha: Wow

Olivia: it's amazing isn't?

Amaya: he'll be right with you I'm going to check on the ceremony

Amaya closed the door and left

Asha: Oh bye!

Olivia: I've read almost all of these books and-

She saw Asha walk closer to a big book behind glass

Asha: Whoa...

Olivia: Asha don't touch that!

Asha: what?

King Magnifico walked into the room

Magnifico: that book is forbidden. Hello Olivia

Olivia: Hello father Asha wasn't going to do anything

Asha: Yes! I was just Uh-

The dragonflies painted on the glass started attacking Asha

Asha: Whoa!

Olivia: Asha!

Asha: What's happening?!

Magnifico: I put a spell on the glass!

Asha tried to fight back but nothing worked

Asha: I just thought paintings looked pretty!

Olivia: hold still your making it worse!

Magnifico: exactly the book is dangerous

Asha: then why have it?!

Magnifico: a king must be prepared for everything! Olivia take it from here I taught you this spell

Olivia: Oh uh yes! I remember

Olivia used her magic to gather the dragonflies and put them back on the glass

Magnifico: good work Olivia I an excellent teacher

Olivia: thank you and yes you are

Asha didn't realize the dragonflies were gone until she opened her eyes

Asha: Phew...

Magnifico: are you ok?

Asha: No! I mean... yes! And I... understand if you want me to leave and never show my face again

Olivia: You can't leave! Uh... what I meant was father could you give her another chance?

Magnifico: let's not overreact she's here and certainly has my attention. So go ahead Asha tell me why you think you should be my apprentice

Asha: Well I care to much

Magnifico: ...thats interesting

Olivia: you could've said something positive first

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