27: Go.

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Twenty-seven: Go.


"Well, I hope you guys are in shape." Steve said. "I'm looking at you, roast beef." He tapped Dustin, referencing the curly-headed boy's shirt.

"Why me?" Dustin asked, looking up at Robin. Nobody answered him as Robin placed her hands on the kids's backs to usher them forward, sparing a glance at the green, acid-like substance.


"I mean, you have to admit, as a feat of engineering alone, this is amazing." Dustin spoke up.

"What are you talking about? It's a total fire hazard. There's no stairs, there's no exit, just an elevator that drops you halfway to hell." Steve argued.

"They're commies. You don't pay people, they cut corners." Erica pointed out.

"That's pretty true." Y/n butted in, earning a shrug in agreement from Max.

"To be fair to our Russian comrades, I don't think this tunnel was designed for walking." Robin added.

Max and Y/n eventually trailed behind the rest of the group as they talked about promethium or something.

"How long is this gonna take us?" Max said after throwing her head back in annoyance.

"I don't know, but I'm getting really sick of seeing this hallway." Y/n complained before grabbing Max's hand. Max leaned into Y/n as they kept walking.

A few minutes passed, and they heard static from Dustin's walkie-talkie. Max and Y/n couldn't understand what the person speaking was saying, but they both recognized it as the Russian code they heard that night on the hill.

Robin started speaking along with the code before adding on in English. "It's the code."

"We're close." Y/n realized.

That's when they saw people walking by in another room.

Finally, we're out of this hellhole.

Y/n rolled her eyes as Steve dragged her behind a counter. The group all ducked, talking about how close that was before Erica spoke up. "I saw it."

"Saw what?" Max asked the girl.

"The comms room!" She whisper-shouted

"You saw the comms room?" Dustin asked.

"Correct. The door was open for a second. I saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there."

"That could be a hundred different things." The boy argued.

Robin butted in. "I'll take those odds."

The group snuck over to a door- the door Erica was talking about -somehow making it in without getting caught.

"Shit. How'd we do that?" Y/n breathed out before they looked up to see a- probably Russian -man at the desk. He got up and started reaching for his gun before Robin stopped him. She started speaking Russian, bits and words she learned from the code. It may not have helped much but it bought them time. Enough time that Steve had formed the plan that he would just charge after he Russian.

They fought for a while, and Y/n squeezed her eyes shut. Steve was about to get the shit beat out of him, and then they would die. That's how this was gonna go.

But miraculously, Steve won. He caught his breath and ran a hand through his hair before Dustin spoke up.

"Dude! You did it!" He exclaimed, pointing. When no one knew what he meant, he added on. "You won a fight!" He finished, leading Steve to smile and let out a breathy chuckle.



The group approached some big weird laser thing, and it was pointed directly at the gate El had closed the year before. Max and Y/n's faces dropped at the sight, their hearts starting to race as the squeezed each other's hands.

That's when they heard some indistinct Russian yelling, and they all started to panic. "This way, this way!" Steve yelled, ushering them into some room.

They eventually made their way into another room before they became trapped. Russians were on the other side of a door, and they had nowhere to go. That was until Dustin found a hatch in the ground. "Come on!" The curly headed boy called Y/n over, as the girl was hesitant. "No. I'll be fine, just go." She breathed out, rushed before walking to help Steve and Robin with the door.

"No. Y/n come on-" Max started to argue.

"Max." Y/n took the redhead's hands. "I wasn't asking. I will be okay. Just get the hell out of here. Go."

Max shook her head, refusing again. "Max, if I'm dying anyway, I'm not taking you down with me. Go." Y/n insisted, ushering the girl over to the hatch. Now it was Dustin's turn to hesitate.

"I won't forget you!"


hello there.

sorry it took me so long to update, but i hope you liked this chapter :)

I was going to make it so Y/n and Max both got captured, but Sarahcarp_gmw gave me the idea for it to just be Y/n, and I really like that idea, so that's what I did.

Also, I wanted to plug a couple things :)

My sister's book 'FERAL' is in my reading list, she's a new writer but it's a great story, so I'd love if you checked it out and maybe followed her. Dahliaflow3r is her user.

Also I started a new story! Chapter one of 'The Greenhouse On Melancholy Road' is out now, and I'd love it you checked it out.

Longest author note ever.

Thank you for reading, though!

900 words.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now