5: Mad Mad Max

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Five: Mad Mad Max


The next day, at school, the party decided to look for Dart in the dumpster beside their school. After almost 30 minutes, there was still no sign of Dart. Or Will, or Dustin for that matter. Well, until Dustin finally showed up.

"What the hell's going on?" Dustin asked the party, while Lucas was in the trash.

"What do you think? We're looking for Dart." Mike asked rhetorically, and then answering his own question for Dustin, as if it was obvious.

That was when Lucas launched two trash bags out of from inside the dumpster.

"Jesus!" Dustin shouted in shock. "Ugh!" Mike cringed in disgust. "Ew! What?" Y/n jumped back, away from the trash bags

Lucas jumped out of the giant garbage bin. "Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up. After I drew the short straw. Real convenient." Lucas said, folding his arms.

"You stink!" Max told Lucas, before walking over to where Y/n was, but standing next to Dustin.

"Hi, Max." Dustin gave a cheeky smile.

"Hi." Max said, as if it were a question, while the wind blew in her red hair. She looked to Y/n with a weirded out look on her face. Y/n looked back at her and shrugged. 

"Where's Will?" Dustin asked, Max still looking at the others in confusion as to Dustin's awkward greeting. 

"He's not here yet." Y/n explained.

"He'll be here." Mike told them.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" Lucas threw a stick to Dustin. "Or are you gonna help?"

They all started poking at the trash bags, Lucas kicking them.


"All living things, from complex mammals to single-celled organisms, instinctively respond to danger." Mr. Clarke explained once class started. "Expose a bacterium into a toxic chemical, and it will flee." He continued. "Or deploy some other defense mechanism."

Y/n was in the back of the class, taking nice, neat, organized notes. Again, she really did love science class on the days she wasn't tired, or zoning out with some other thing on her mind. She did have something else on her mind today; Max. Who in fact, she would glance up at every once and a while, sometimes noticing her looking back, smiling. To which Y/n would smile back. But she decided to accept the fact that she liked girls. As for Will not being there, it did worry her. A lot. But she assumed he needed time after what happened on the field the day before, so it calmed her down a bit.

"We're very much the same." Mr. Clarke carried on. "When we encounter danger, our hearts start pounding. Our palms start to sweat. These are the signs of the physical and emotional state we call... fear."

That's how Y/n felt around Max, even though she wasn't afraid of her. Guess those are signs of a different physical and emotion state, too.


At lunch that day, Mike decided to try to call Will's house. But he got no response.

"Anything?" Lucas shouted, asking Mike, who was running over to the stairs where the rest of the party was.

"We need to talk! A.V room! Right now." Mike told them as he approached, still running.

"Why?" Y/n asked him.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu