11: Sorry, Steve.

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Eleven: Sorry, Steve.


The rest of the kids all rushed to the window, Y/n to Max's side.

"He can't know I'm here. He'll kill me." Max turned to Y/n. "He'll kill us."

Us. Does that mean something? Of course it doesn't, what am I thinking?

"Alright, stay here." Steve stepped out of the house, and started walking down the porch to Billy.

Y/n couldn't make out what either of them were saying, and they all stared through the blinds in silence as Billy and Steve spoke. Y/n's and Max's hands had found each other while they were watching.

Out of nowhere, Billy pointed to the window that the kids were observing through, and they all ducked as quickly as possible.

"Shit!" Y/n gave out a whisper-yell as she hid, while Max tried to comfort herself by squeezing Y/n's hand tighter.

Before they knew it, the front door swung open, revealing Billy.

"Well, well, well... Y/n Y/l/n. I thought I told you to stay away from her, Max."

Y/n furrowed her brows in confusion. Stay away from me? Why? Because I like girls? How could he even tell? I like guys too! I think. Both? Is that even possible?

The girl's thoughts were cut off by the suddenness of Billy picking her up by her coat, and slamming her against a shelf with glass casing.

She gave a quick shout in pain, and then winced as the glass shattered, slicing her back. "Asshole! Let me go!"

"Since Maxine won't listen to me, maybe you will. Stay... away from her. You hear me? Stay... away."

"Put me down you piece of shit!" Y/n kicked Billy in the crotch as hard as she could and Billy dropped her to the ground.

"Her name's Max." She added, getting up from the wooden floor.

"You're so dead, Y/l/n. You're dead." Billy told the girl, before Steve's voice came from behind him.

"No. You are." Steve said before punching Billy in the face. Y/n took this opportunity to rush back to her friends, who tried to hug her, but stopped once Y/n winced, reminding them of the glass in her back.

Steve seemed to be doing well at first, but Billy really started beating up on him. He smashed a plate over Steve's head, headbutted him, and was eventually on top of him, punching him in the face.


And over,

And over again.

Everyone was yelling for him stop, panicking.

"Billy, stop!"

"You're gonna kill him!"

"Get off of him!"

"Stop it!"


"Get off!"


Y/n didn't realize she was holding Max's hand until it had left hers.

She looked over at the redhead, and watched her grab the needle that they had used to knock out Will.

Max walked over to Billy and plunged the needle into his neck.

"Oh, shit." Y/n jumped back in surprise.

Billy stopped beating the living daylight out of Steve to try and process what just happened. He pulled the needle out of his neck to observe it. He held it in his hand as he looked at it for a moment and then stood up.

He looked at Max, then back at the needle.

"The hell is this?" His eyelids looked heavy, like they were trying to close and Billy was fighting to keep them open. "What'd you do?" No one responded, they all just watched. Max grabbed onto Y/n's out of worry and fear as to what might happen next.

"You little shit, what'd you do?" He asked once again, before dropping to the ground, laughing.

Max picked up Steve's nailed bat, and held it up, looking down at Billy.

"From now on, you leave me and my friends alone, do you understand?"

"Screw you."

After hearing this, Max slammed the bat onto the ground between Billy's legs, barely missing his crotch. Max tugged the bat out of the ground once Billy had lifted his head to see where the bat landed.

Max rose her voice more. "Say you understand!" "Say it."

She was now screaming. "Say it!"

"I understand." Billy quietly muttered.


"I understand." Billy repeated, clearer.

Oh, my gosh.

Max tossed the bat to the ground once Billy passed out, and Y/n glanced over at the beaten, bloody Steve.

"Do you guys think he's gonna be okay?" Y/n asked the bunch. She looked back over to the group to try and get a response, but got no reply as Max walked over to Billy and grabbed his car keys from his pocket.

"Let's get out of here."

So badass.


F in the chat for Steve :P

I can't wait to write Season 3, you guys are gonna love it. (I mean, I hope.).

Anyway, almost the Snowball chapter. >:) Be ready.

735 words.

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now