19: Girls Day Out

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Nineteen: Girls Day Out


The three girls had arrived at Starcourt Mall, one of their favorite places to hang out this Summer.

As they got off the bus, Y/n spoke up. "Pretty cool, huh?" She asked, mostly directed at El.

Max noticed El's semi-worried expression. "What's wrong?"

"Too many people. Against the rules."

"Are you kidding?" Max smiled. "You have superpowers, what's the worst that could happen?"

El thought for a moment before then nodding, showing her approval.

"Okay then, come on!" Y/n jogged ahead of the two. Once they made it inside, El looked around in circles at the environment as an interested smile crept onto her face.

"You like?" Max asked her. After getting no response, the redhead spoke again. "You've never been shopping before, have you?"

When El shook her head 'No', Max started again.

"Well, I guess we're gonna have to try everything!"

A store caught Y/n's eye. "Ooh, come on!" She exclaimed, grabbing El's hand and running towards the gap.

El looked around the store, darting from clothing to clothing, admiring every item. When she stopped in front of a mannequin, staring at it in awe. "Do you like that?" Max asked the girl. El switched her gaze from the striped blue top to Max. "How do I know... What I like?"

"You just try stuff on." Max started to explain.

"Until something feels like you." Y/n added.

"Like... Me?"

Y/n and Max nodded before Max continued. "Yeah. Not Hopper... Not Mike... You."


Max and Y/n stood in front of the dressing rooms, waiting for El to exit them. When El hopped out, she was wearing the shirt that she was previously admiring, along with blue pants, and suspenders.

All three girls smiled at the look, and El walked closer to the mirror. She threw a beret on her head, putting it on completely wrong. Y/n chuckled, and Max helped the brunette adjust the hat.

El messed around in the outfit for a bit, pulling the suspenders, and spinning around before hopping back in the dressing room. She repeated this a couple times while Max tried on different sunglasses, and Y/n grabbed a bunch of different scrunchies. One of the outfits Eleven wore was a white shirt and long white skirt, also striped in a pattern similar to the previous shirt. Max held up a red belt, and Y/n held up a yellow one while both girls rose them up and down, signaling El to pick one. El grabbed the yellow one, and Y/n helped her put in on. Once it was on, Max and Y/n spun El in circles until she fell back into the other two girls's arms. They all giggled, and El hopped back into the dressing room. Y/n watched as Max tried on sunglasses, stopping at a red one. The redhead gave herself a flirty look in the mirror, and Y/n felt her face heat up. "Lemme see." Y/n said, grabbing the sunglasses from Max. She put them on, and then lowered them to look at Max, who's face was turning red. "How do I look?"

As Hawkins Falls: Max Mayfield x Fem Reader- A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now