chapter twenty eight.

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excuse any mistakes.

𝐌𝐢𝐞𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢 𝐃𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧

Mieke glanced up from a file of her patients, offering a smile to Ericka and Elyse. "Ericka, I'm glad you could make it today. Do you know why you're needed this session?" She asked.

Ericka told Mieke, "Yeah. Elyse told me that we have some things to talk about. I don't know why she didn't tell me at home, I had to call off work, that money would've sat nice on my check."

Mieke replied, "Yes. She feels like this appointment is important and would like to discuss certain things only in your presence."

Ericka looked at Elyse, and Elyse returned a pleading look, silently asking her mother to cooperate. Ericka sighed, "Where do we start?"

"Great. How would you describe your relationship with your daughter?" Mieke asked.

"Me and her are best friends, We do almost everything together, we go out to the club and party together, we smoke and drink together," She hesitated before continuing, "Wait, can I say that?" She asked and Mieke nodded.

"What's shared here stays within these walls."

"Okay then yeah we smoke and drink together. That's my best friend for real. I could go to her about anything and everything and she won't judge me at all. My entire world revolves around her. It's like she's my venting machine too. She's always there for me, always helping me through tough times. I couldn't imagine my life without her, she's the best thing that ever happened to me." Ericka said looking at Elyse with a smile.

Mieke nodded writing what Ericka said down before putting the pen down "That's great to hear. It sounds like you have a very special relationship but how would you describe your relationship as parent and child?"

"It's great. She's more mature than me. It's like she is more of the adult. She's so mature, always giving me advice and helping me through tough times. It's like she's the parent and I'm the child. I learn so much from her and I'm always amazed at her maturity. She's always been this way, since she was little." Ericka said still smiling.

Mieke turned to Elyse and asked, "Elyse, how do you feel about the relationship with your mother?Is it something you're comfortable with?"

Elyse looked nervous as she looked at the floor. She had always been honest with Mieke about how uncomfortable her relationship with her mother made her but now that the time was here to tell her mom, she was scared to hurt her mom's feelings or start a new argument.

"It's not that I don't like Ericka or anything
Don't get me wrong, That's my momma and I love her but sometimes I feel like she treats me more like a friend than a daughter like she's the one who needs me to take care of her, instead of the other way around. It's a lot of pressure, especially since I'm still young and trying to figure out my own life. I just wish she could see me as more of a daughter and less of a friend. It feels like l had to take on the role of the momma, always having to be the responsible one, the one who has to make all the decisions and it's hard."

Ericka scoffed and rolled her eyes "Elyse be serious. I've always done everything for you."

"I know you've done a lot for me, and believe me, I'm grateful for everything. But sometimes I can't help but feel like I grew up too fast because of you. I never got to enjoy the experiences that most kids got to have cause I was too busy being the responsible one, taking care of everything. I missed out on so much. I know we have fun together sometimes, partying and drinking and smoking, but it's just sad, honestly. I like that you're my friend, but you don't even seem like a parent. I can't come to you for any advice because you literally have the mindset of a teenager."

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