chapter eleven.

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excuse any mistakes.
trigger warning// rape.


It was fall of 2014, and Mieke and Keanu had been navigating a long-distance relationship for two challenging months. The longing to be together, the miles apart, and the daily calls couldn't replace the warmth of shared moments. Finally, after persistent begging and coaxing her parents, Mieke got the green light to travel out of state to see her boyfriend.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking." The intercom crackled to life, interrupting the quiet hum of the cabin. "We hope you've enjoyed your flight with us today. As we approach our destination, I'd like to inform you that the weather is clear with a temperature of 80 degrees. Please fasten your seatbelts and ensure your tray tables are in the upright position as we prepare for landing. Thank you for flying with us."

Despite the excitement bubbling within her at the announcement of their imminent landing, Mieke found herself oddly jittery, her heart racing faster than the airplane's descent.

Mieke took a deep breath, trying to shake off the unexplainable nerves that seemed to
flutter in the pit of her stomach.

She figured it was just the excitement and anticipation, but still, her stomach felt like it housed a flock of anxious butterflies.

Her gaze fell upon her phone resting on her lap. With a swift movement, she picked it up, and pressed the side button revealing a picture that instantly brought a smile to her face.

The image showcased Mieke and Keanu, tangled in each other's embrace in a cozy hotel room. It was the morning after Keanu's prom night, and the joy radiated from their faces. Mieke was on him, a contented smile playing on her lips as Keanu skillfully snapped the photo, freezing a moment of pure happiness.

"I can't wait to see my boo." Mieke mumbled.

She couldn't wait for the plane to touch the ground so she could rush into Keanu's arms.

The thought of wrapping her arms around him, feeling his closeness, and breathing in his scent filled her with an inexplicable longing.

She yearned to hug him tightly, to feel the
familiarity of his touch, and to simply be together, sharing in each other's presence.

Mieke's thoughts drifted to Keanu's lips, the softness of his kisses, and the way they made her feel like she was the only person in the world. It had been an agonizing two months since she had felt the warmth of his lips against hers. The memory of their last kiss lingered in her mind—the tenderness, the passion, the electric connection that sparked between them.

She couldnt wait for that moment when their lips would meet again.

Yet, there was a deeper longing that simmered beneath the surface— a desire that extended beyond the hugs and kisses.

Mieke couldn't wait to make love to her man , to feel the intimacy that only they shared, to lose herself in the passion and connection they both cherished. The thought of being close, of feeling the depth of their connection in the most intimate way possible, fueled her anticipation.

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