chapter 1

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Third person's pov~

The sunlight entered the room through the white curtains of the room sunoo was curled up in his blanket as he was not able to sleep last night because of his parents fighting over something .
he was finding his phone to check the time.

''7:00 AM!! I am gonna be late for College " said sunoo in a hurry his class started from 9 but he had to go early as he had an important exam today and had to study in the library .
He quickly made his way towards his bathroom and started to wash his face but what he saw was something he was not able to recognise his eyes welled up with tears upon seeing himself in the mirror looking all tired and thin his face looked pale and had visible dark circle under his eyes his hands all bruised because of the beating he got from his father yesterday for no reasons . When he started to do his morning routine hurriedly his older brother Jake suddenly entered his room.

"Good morning sunnie!'' said Jake with a smile on his face he knew from what pain his little brother was going through ."are you ready for college?" Asked Jake . Sunoo just replied back with a small smile an a nod .

While sunoo was checking all his belongings Jake hugged him " I am sorry sunoo I could not stand up for you yesterday I should've stopped dad" Jake replied while sobbing he felt very bad for his little brother but he could do nothing as his mother stopped him from going to help sunoo mocking her own son while laughing like a maniac seeing his younger son getting hit by their father brutally.

"It's not your fault hyung . It's not something new to me now I am used to it " replied sunoo while hugging his brother back " now let's go or We will get late and our friends must be waiting for us " sunoo replied back with a cheerful smile but Jake knew that it was fake but to not make his younger brother worry anymore he's replied back with a okay and a small smile and together made their way outside their house towards their college.

Both the brothers were thankful that their parents were not home or it would not have been a 'good' morning.
Time skip~

Upon reaching their college sunoo and Jake met with their friends jungwon niki taki yeonjun waiting for them on the main gate of the college beomgyu.

"Good morning sunoo hyung and Jake hyung finally you both are here we were standing here from years"said niki dramatically and earned a slap on the back of his head by jungwon and the others started to laugh .

"Okay okay now let's go to our class before the teacher scolds is for being late and I have something to tell you all during the break " said yeonjun while smiling

They all made their way towards their respective classes.
Time skip~

After their classes all seven of them met at their usual spot at the cafeteria and started to talk about their day until taki asked yeonjun that what was he gonna tell all of them .

Yeonjun started to blush and finally said which amused everyone "I am pregnant!" Said yeonjun excitedly which made beomgyu and niki choke on their food and surprised Jake sunoo jungwon and taki after some seconds they started to congratulate yeonjun and beomgyu planned on celebrating this good news , but suddenly sunoo's phone started to ring drawing everyone's attention towards him

Sunoo excused himself and took his phone put of his trousers pocket and saw the caller ID it was his 'mom' he hesitantly picked it up feeling scared that if he will not pick it up what will happen to him and Jake upon reaching back to their house

On call

Sunoo- hello

Sn's mom- hello, sunoo come back home right now me and your dad have to talk about something with you .

Sunoo-but mom my classes are stil-

Sn's mom- I don't care if your classes are left or not come back right now, and if you don't come now you'll now what will happen when you come back.

Sunoo - yes mom

After sunoo's talk with his mom he made his way back to the others in the cafeteria and told them that he had to go home and Jake also came along even after sunoo's protests .

Sunoo's pov ~

Me and Jake hyung made our way back to our house and upon reaching close to our house a saw two big luxurious black cars standing in front of our main gate i quickly turned towards Jake hyung with a questioning look on my face and saw the same look on his face . We both slowly made our way towards the front door and opened the door and saw to men in an all black attire standing infront of our living room hesitantly we made our way inside the room and saw our parents sitting on the couch and a very handsome man sitting on the opposite couch and a talk and handsome man standing behind him they both were wearing formal black suits .

''Oh! sunoo you are here my son" said my mom cheerfully that surprised me cause she has never talked to me like this . I looked towards my dad who gestured me to sit next to him .

I quietly made my way towards where my dad was sitting.

So this all for the first chapter hope you liked it💖💖 and their might be some grammatical mistakes.

And pls do vote and comment on this book and I would love to read your thoughts abouth this book 😊✨

Word count -969

Have a good day/night✨✨

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