Chapter 26 - Graduation Ceremony (3)

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“Let’s hear that story a little later.”

In that brief moment of silence, the duke interjected.

Amidst the attention focused on him, the duke raised the corners of his mouth and slowly surveyed the audience.

“Wouldn’t it be more fun to find out later?”

“You’re absolutely right.”

Although it was said with a smile, there was somehow a weight to it. The leader and vice-leaders all nodded in unison.

In an instant, the playful atmosphere vanished.

Phiri, the only godchild, seemed a bit disappointed, but the hierarchy was clearly established.

Come to think of it, the duke was somewhat lenient towards us.

Especially when dealing with Marhan or Lena, he was strict.

It seemed more because we were a godchild rather than being younger. Phiri’s attitude confirmed it.

‘Does that mean he genuinely takes care of his own people?’

Anyway, I thought of expressing my desire to go to the Empire.

There was no need to beat around the bush, and perhaps if I said it, Phiri would take better care of me.

Well, it didn’t really matter either way.

From the duke’s perspective, it was considerate of him to take care of me. It was a difficult moment as a subordinate.

As a gesture of gratitude, I locked eyes with the duke and he nodded slightly in response.

A faint smile crept across my face.

I wasn’t too worried about Mohen, who had ruined the graduation ceremony, going to the Empire.

Yet, receiving this unexpected consideration made me feel much more at ease.

Marhan stood up from his seat.

“The task for this graduation ceremony is…”

Marhan paused for a moment.

We all focused on Marhan’s words. Would it be another duel like last time?

“It is to find the branch of the intelligence agency you aspire to.”


I was momentarily taken aback by the unexpected statement. Glancing at the others, they seemed equally surprised.

“You just need to find the branch of the intelligence agency you want to join.”

Marhan repeated his words.

I understood what he meant. It was just that it went beyond what I had anticipated.

Whether through duels or demonstrating our abilities, I thought something would happen here.

Suddenly, the duke’s words from earlier came to mind. He had said that we would find out later, not here.

‘He gave us a hint in advance.’

I had been preoccupied with past graduation ceremonies. I had only witnessed one ceremony, after all.

Why did the duke subtly teach us something?

Well, maybe I was overthinking it.

Regardless, I learned a lesson, so I should look at it positively.

“Considering your evaluations so far, all the intelligence agencies expressed their desire to take you. They will give you clues, and you can choose where you want to go.”

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