Chapter 25 - Graduation Ceremony (2

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The day after the mission was a day of rest.

However, we didn’t just relax. We sleep only enough to relieve fatigue and engage in light training from the afternoon onwards.

As usual, I wrote reports and loosen up my body with Denif in the training grounds. It was at that moment Orhen returned.

She waved at us from a distance, and her face looked somewhat better, despite everything.

‘I’m relieved.’

A few days ago, she was quite shocked, but it seemed like she had somewhat calmed down.

Of course, she was not completely fine.

Being a spy, she didn’t remain unaffected by the deaths of friends or comrades.

It was just that she became accustomed to it or didn’t show it.

Moreover, we hadn’t experienced such deaths ourselves.

Orhen’s eyes weren’t red, but the slight puffiness around her eyes indicates that she was still mentally troubled.

“Uh… hey. Are you okay?”


Denif awkwardly greeted her. That wouldn’t do. In moments like this, we should treat her as usual.

There was no right answer, but it was based on personal experience. When I was in college, a friend’s father passed away.

Even if she was a nanny, she would have been like a parent to Orhen, so I thought it would be similar.

I give a light smile and wave my hand.

“Did you have a good trip?”

“Yeah. I heard Carlyn and Denif were fine. Still, I’m sorry I couldn’t join you.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s not a particularly difficult mission.”

I lightly pat Orhen’s shoulder.

It was better to offer such comforting words as usual. It seemed to have worked well as Orhen smiled faintly in response.

“Yeah… Thanks.”

“You’ve been through a lot. Go rest inside.”

“No. I’ve rested enough. I also met Marhan. I need to train.”

I glance at Orhen for a moment at her firm words. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind.

Was Orhen joining our training session because she was lonely and longing for human connection?

—I don’t want to meet people, but I’m longing to interact with people.

Those were the words uttered by my friend, who lost his father, while he was drunk.

Like Denif, apart from the Duke and Marhan, we were the only ones Orhen relied on.

“Alright. Um, then since the weather is nice, shall we take a short 30-minute break?”

“All of a sudden? What’s the matter with you?”

Denif hesitated at my words. He was the type who enjoyed fooling around.

But of course, he still worked hard. Because of his competitive spirit, he always followed my lead.

“We don’t have many days like this together.”

“You’re right.”

Denif nodded, but Orhen’s expression darkened slightly. Oh, I realized my mistake.

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