Chapter 185 (Tigris)

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The days after Kai was released from the enchantment were some of the longest the queen had ever experienced. It wasn't just because she and Kai were on unsteady ground now, though that was part of it. She and her betrothed were left in a strange limbo of not understanding how to proceed. The process of slowly untangling all of the awkward emotions between them would be a long one, a process that required time they did not have because of approaching threat.

Together with Aodh, Tigris had managed to fully explain the matter of the uska and the army Finn was building. It was a difficult endeavour without any proof, at least without proof that wouldn't end with the court demanding that Roche be burned on a pyre. In the end, Tigris had pulled aside Brom and asked for his assistance.

"I need a favour. Of the less... legal variety," she'd told the roguish knight.

Brom had straightened then, his usual playfulness falling away and leaving something cunning and calculating in its place.

"Well," Brom had drawled, running his tongue over his teeth, "Never did I think I'd see the day that you would ask such a thing, milady. Pray tell, what is so important that it has you considering such uncouth measures?"

Tigris had met his eyes, warning filling her gaze. "I believe it is a matter that you will find yourself agreeing with."

"I won't know until you tell me," Brom had pointed out, folding his arms over his broad chest with a knowing glint in his eyes. Tigris had hesitated before stepping closer and signing,

"It's Roche."

Brom's remaining mirth had faded away. Tigris hurried to add, "Her little inkblooded owl, the Striga, spotted Finn setting up his next plan. The court would not approve of my maid befriending a creature of ink, yet they must understand the threat approaching so that we can prepare."

Brom's brows furrowed slightly at her. He'd cocked his head, blond hair tipping to the side. "And who's in control of who, queenie? You or your court?"

"It wouldn't be a very good system if they always agree with me, Brom," Tigris reminded him, flashing him a rueful smile, "Normally, I would heed their advice. But I'm afraid that if Roche's life is in the mix, I'd rather not take a chance."

"Glad to see that we're of the same mind," Brom had noted cheerfully, leaning against the wall of the corridor, "What would you have me do, then?"

The next day, Brom had gone out on a solo quest.

While he was gone, Tigris had instructed Aodh to join her in her chambers to review their battle strategies.

Roche also was kept busy. She didn't speak much to Tigris much at all. At first, Tigris thought it was because of the truths that had been revealed during Kai's ritual. Somewhere on the second day of tense silence between them, Tigris couldn't stand it any longer and confronted the maid.

"Look, about what happened during the ritual..." Tigris had trailed off her, cheeks burning. Speaking of it had felt wrong, especially when there had been so much left unsaid with Kai.

Roche, to Tigris' surprise, simply looked perplexed. The woman waved a hand dismissively. "Oh, don't worry about it," Roche replied, her eyes skittering away, "I know those feelings came before you knew about... you know." She'd tilted her arms slightly, referring to her inkblood.

Tigris had a denial on the tip of her tongue, but Roche had escaped after a moment, muttering something about wards and runes. Roche had been investigating various inkblooded means to defeating the uska to no avail.

Verita and Leinos looked through the library as they'd been ordered to, searching for any possible information about the uska and the portal Finn had opened. While they did so, Kai had taken the initiative to prepare the castle for a possible attack. He'd monitored their food stores, ensuring access to water for both the upper and lower towns, and had done the math on possible economic impacts of the upcoming battle.

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