Chapter 157 (Tigris)

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TW: Mild gore

There had been entrancing music that had whited out the world. Then there had been silk. Then there was something sticky and viscous on her face, sinking into her temples. Tigris flinched back, her linked hands with Kai tugged back with her as she realised that there was someone in front of her.

The sticky substance that had sunken into her skin coursed within her body, from her head to her palms. It flowed through her hands, merging with Kai. They both were stuck fast together, bound by ink. Tigris tried to pull away, glancing back up at the inkblood.

Then she froze. Because it wasn't an elderly singer before her.

It was Kai. His rich dark skin gleamed brightly, her broad lips parting with alluring words. Then his face shimmered, and it wasn't him anymore.

It was Roche. The maid flickered in and out of view, her usual cheeky expression on her face.

There was a pulse between her palm and Kai's. Suddenly, her vision was dragged to the side, and she wasn't in her body anymore but Kai's. She saw her face shimmering for a moment, and then another. It had the same, sparkling green eyes and the same cunning smile. But it wasn't her. The figure Kai saw had bouncing chocolate curls and a slender, elvin jaw muttered with freckles. Tigris would recognise it anywhere.


Her brother.

As quickly as the vision had come, it stopped. She blinked, her vision clearing with a rush of burning tears that streamed down her cheeks. She released Kai to swipe away the offending substance when she noticed a blur of motion far too close.

Something slammed into her side and she was thrown to the ground. Several voices were shouting her name, crouching around her to see if she was alright. But they didn't matter, none of them did. She leapt to her feet, her breath leaving her in a rush when she saw two figures on the ground, locked in a grappling position.

"No inkblood," Romulus growled, "Kills my daughter."

His dinner knife sliced across the elderly inkblood's neck, her skin parting like the pages of a book. The inkblood gasped in horror, her hands clasping her throat helplessly, but it was no good. She was dead in seconds, scarlet blood leaking onto the floor.

The king smirked victoriously, slumping back. Tigris kneeled next to him, warmth soaking her fingers when she reached out to steady him. She pulled back, numb shock filling her when she realised that it was blood slicking her skin.

Aodh skidded to a stop next to her, barking out a curse. He kneeled, flipping the king onto his side. Horror filled Tigris in a rush when she saw the handle of a dagger puncturing the king's side.

"No," Tigris whispered, her hands fluttering helplessly around the blade's handle. She spun around, finding a sea of faces that blurred around her. "Someone get Leinos!" she roared, and the crowd dispersed at the sheer volume of her voice.

"Children," a voice croaked. Tigris pulled her gaze back to her father, finding his face pale and bloodless. He winced, but still smiled at her and Aodh, "My children. You're here."

Aodh huffed, trembling as he pressed against Tigris like he needed her warmth. "Of course we are," his voice was fragile, shaking like it was going to break.

The king smiled at him warmly, his eyes clearer than they'd been in months. "I wish your brother was here. I have so much... so much to tell him. You've been so brave, the both of you. I've wronged you so... so terribly. I should have told you all about your mother long ago."

"Don't talk," Tigris begged, her voice strangled with emotion. She could feel tears rising, but she bit them back for her father's sake, "Save your strength until Leinos comes."

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