Chapter 86 (Tigris)

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Finn was awake and drugged to high heaven.

"Easy now," Kai cooed, helping the prince up. Finn had a loopy grin on his face that looked almost painful with the swelling. It had been a week since the fight with Sir Harold and while Finn was doing better, he'd been in so much agony from his wounds that he'd been stuck in bed. The pain had reached its peak in the morning at which point Leinos had brewed a more potent pain potion that had some hilarious effects.

Finn blinked sleepily. "You're a good friend." he mumbled to Kai, "Where's my crown, it should be on your head."

Tigris suppressed a chuckle as Kai sputtered. "Why didn't you bring that recording device he made you? I'd love some blackmail." Tigris teased, and Kai's sputtering turned into choking.

Aodh smirked from the doorway. "I could go get it." he offered while Finn processed the words, his eyes widening slowly.

"The device!" he gasped, looking at Kai with wide, childishly enthusiastic eyes, "Roche helped me make it! She's so smart but she's not you, or I would have made her a device too." Finn frowned, "Maybe I should make her one."

"I don't think you can even put your shoes on right now, much less make another device." Kai told him gently as Finn made small waving motions with his hand. Tigris was trying so hard not to laugh that her face burned with the pressure of it. Aodh had no such qualms and was openly chortling in the doorway.

Finn jutted his chin up defiantly. "Nuh uh! I can do it! Watch me!" he insisted, trying to swing his legs off the bed. He hissed immediately, his hands darting to his chest. Tigris' laughter died down immediately. She reached forward to steady him, but Kai was already there, gently easing Finn back down.

"Easy now, Finn. You've hurt your ribs." Kai soothed as Finn still struggled to get up.

Finn blinked at him. "Where's Roche when you need her?" he mumbled.

That made Tigris snicker. "Roche would break your ribs more, Finn. You don't want her here."

"Nuh uh," Finn stared up at the ceiling with far away eyes, "She's so strong! So powerful!"

Aodh snorted in the doorway. "This is golden. Kai, get the recorder."

Finn didn't seem to hear him. "She knows so many words." his eyes seemed to refocus slightly, "Where is she?"

Tigris shrugged. "She said she had some deliveries to do for Verita. She'll be here soon, probably."

"Huh," Finn's nose scrunched up with drugged confusion, "She hasn't come to visit me. But I did this for her."

"You got beat up for Roche? Trying to impress her, were you?" Aodh teased.

Finn's frown deepened. "She could heal me. She knows so many words." he pouted, "Why hasn't she come? Maybe she's in trouble again!" Tigris traded a nervous glance with Kai as Finn tried to get up again, wincing.

Tigris shook her head. "She's fine. She's just running an errand. I'll make sure she comes to see you soon." she promised, holding her hands placatingly. "Alright?"

"Mhm," Finn's eyes unfocused again as he sat back, "Roche is a good friend. Not as good as Kai. Kai's the best. I love Kai."

Kai's lips twisted with a rueful mix of endearment and embarrassment as Finn rolled over to face him, his green eyes sparkling.

"I love you. You're so smart and you don't even realise. You know so much without reading a single book." Finn repeated, totally serious.

Aodh was howling from laughter in the doorway as Kai went beet red and began to stammer, backing away from the bed.

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