Chapter 168 (Tigris)

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The doors to her chambers were flung open. Tigris was dragged out of her sleep by familiar hands.

"Tigris, what are you still doing here?" Kai exclaimed frantically. Tigris blinked at him, sleep addling her mind. She glanced at the windows, confusion filling her when she saw sunlight streaming through her curtains.

It was late morning.

Her memories rushed into her mind, and Tigris leapt to her feet.

"What the hell?" she shouted, her grogginess evaporating, "Where is Roche? She was supposed to wake me up hours ago!"

Kai threw his hands in the air. "No one knows where she went! Verita's looking for her. And you're... you're..."

"Undressed. Not ready. And certainly not in the throne room, where I should be!" she seethed. "If Roche is off drinking-"

"No one's seen her," Kai said worriedly, helping Tigris rummage through her closet for a suitable gown, "There's still enough time to ready you. I've already checked on the other rulers on your behalf. The Irulian elders have had their time to confer in one of the larger guest rooms. I gave the Tseltan leaders a tour of our communications room, as requested. And the Shultans have been touring the lower town. So far, no one knows anything is amiss."

Tigris sank back in relief. She leaned up to peck his cheek. "Look at you go. Soon, I won't even have to run this kingdom."

Kai chuckled, and the low rasp of his voice made her shiver with longing that burned away the last of her fatigue. Kai's smile turned knowing at her expression, and he looped an arm around her back, holding her as he brushed his warm, chapped lips down her jaw. Tigris melted in his arms, pressing hard against him.

"As much as I'd like to do this to you all day, you've got a summit, my lady," Kai whispered lustfully into her ear. She sighed, urgency filling them both once more.

"I'm going to kill Roche for this."

"Roche?" a head poked through her door. Tigris turned to reprimand the knight on duty for interrupting, but when she realised it was Brom she simply rolled her eyes. No matter how many times she scolded, the knight seemed to dismiss most rules. He didn't gawk at her clearly underdressed form. He simply furrowed his brows, turning his eyes to Kai.

"Have you seen her?" he asked urgently.

Kai shook his head, his forehead wrinkling. "No one has. Verita's still looking for her. She didn't come into work this morning. Have you seen her?"

Brom pressed his lips together in a worried line. "I saw her last night. She seemed worried about something pertaining to the queen."

Tigris blinked in surprise. "Me? Why would Roche-"

Yet another person barrelled into her chambers. Tigris bit back a sigh. Why did she even bother having a door anymore?

"My lady," Verita gasped, out of breath, "I apologise for the intrusion, but-"

"Don't bother covering for Roche, Verita," she muttered, "If she's off in the tavern-"

"The tavern?" Brom repeated in disbelief while Verita's face darkened. The librarian held up a slip of paper.

"I think she's missing, my lady," Verita said as Tigris deciphered Roche's messy scrawl.

Out until morning. Will explain when I get back.

The rest had been torn off by Verita, who held up the other part of the slip of paper in her hands. She crumpled it, peering at Tigris worriedly.

"She said she'd be back by morning, and she's still not returned. Her bed is untouched. I don't think she ever came home last night." Verita explained anxiously.

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