Chapter 134 (Roche)

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She stared at Aodh's back as he ran after his sister. It was a brilliant plan, really. The enchantment had taken down the city's defenses. The Council and their strange, inkblood enchanted zombies could stroll into the city, apprehend Tigris and her father without a struggle, and place Aodh on the throne.

The city would awaken to a new ruler, one who bent to inkblood of the cruelest nature. Roche's blood simmered as she glared at the prince's back. She was no saint with her inkblood. She'd used it to kill, but only when her life and the life of her friends had been threatened.

How could Aodh not sense the destruction the Council would bring to the city?

Tigris was panting loudly as she threw open the doors to the throne room. "Father?" she called, "Finn?"

A few knights were collapsed on the ground, but no king. Roche clenched her jaw as Aodh's eyes lit up.

"His chambers. He might be in his chambers!" he said. Tigris took off into a sprint, her tight bun coming undone as she raced through the halls, eyes wide. She gasped as she threw open the regal doors to the king's chambers.

Romulus was facedown on the floor, like he'd tried getting out of bed before the enchantment overtook him.

"Father!" Tigris shouted, her voice pitched with worry. She knelt next to the monarch, flipping him over. The king still breathed, but his nose was bloody from his fall. Tigris swiped off some of the blood with her pale fingers, her eyes sliding shut.

"We need to get him out of here," she breathed after a moment, Aodh kneeling on the king's other side. It took every bit of Roche's restraint not to yank him away, "Him and Finn."

A jolt went through her. Finn. How had she forgotten about him? And Kai!

Tigris' skin blanched white like she was thinking the same thing. She settled back on her heels.

"We need to get Father and Finn out of here first and then return to defend the castle," Tigris said grimly, her brows furrowing with thought, "That army of soldiers will target them first."

"We don't have much time," Aodh pointed out, "We have maybe an hour before they arrive."

You'd know that, wouldn't you, traitor? Roche thought sourly.

There was a sound in the hall, barely a sound really. More like a shuffle of some kind, followed by a thud. Tigris exchanged a glance with Roche, unsheathing her sword. She pushed Aodh back and peeked her head into the hall quickly. Her brows drew together.

"No one's there," she murmured. Then she poked her head back out. Her eyes widened as she glanced back at Roche, "Wait, I saw something move near Finn's room!"

Aodh cursed, shoving Tigris aside.

This plan of yours better not involve killing my brother or sister, he'd snapped at the Councilman yesterday. Were things not going to plan? A betrayal of the traitor? Roche narrowed her eyes at him as Tigris crept out the door after Aodh. The prince was pressed against the wall next to Finn's door. He counted silently on his fingers, pressing to the side as Tigris kicked the door open, levelling her sword.

A shrill yelp split the air. Tigris fluidly pressed into the room, her hair trailing behind her.

"Reveal yourself!" she ordered.

Roche peered around the doorframe. The princess pointed her sword at the bathroom door, her eyes narrowed. Slowly, the door creaked open, revealing a terrified looking male who similarly hoisted a sword. His green eyes widened at the sight of his sister.

"Tigris?" Finn gasped, his sword falling to the ground with a magnanimous clatter. Tigris lowered her sword instantly, relief blooming across her face.

"Finn!" she leapt forward, enveloping the prince in a rough hug, "What happened?"

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