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Simone Laysia Brown
December 22nd

"Mama". I knocked on her door

I heard shuffling, "Come in, baby". She said

I got in and closed the door behind me.

"What's wrong, Simone". She asked making shake my head

"Nothing". I laid next to her on the bed

I looked around her room, "what were you doing in here". I asked

"Nothing if I'm being honest, I just finished packing my luggage away". She said making me nod my head

"How you feeling today?". She asked

I shrugged, "Better than before". I said

"I have something to tell you". I said

How in the world do I put this in words?

Mama, I was being fast and now I'm pregnant

I am with child

Semaj fucked me so goo- definitely not

I was irresponsible and now I'm pregnant

Ugh, I don't know

Actually, I'mma just say it or better yet, give her the envelope, ion need to explain shit to her

"What is it baby?". She asked

I sighed handing her the envelope, "I found out today from Nessa". I spoke as she opened the envelope

She dug in it, "Oh y'all back good". She took out the sonogram

"Yeah". I said as she looked at it furrowing her eyebrows before her eyes widened

She looked at me with glassy eyes, "You're pregnant". She asked making me nod my head as tears brimmed in my eyes

"Simone, how? Literally how?". She asked

"Mama-". She cut me off

She glared at me, "You literally just entered a relationship three weeks ago and now you're pregnant?, could you have not been responsible about it, it doesn't even add up Simone, why during the time of danger must this happen?". She ranted crying

Why the hell she crying, I'm the preggos one?

I rolled my eyes, "Mama, the least you could do is support me instead of shame me". I said wiping my tears

Talm bout I'm irresponsible, you gave birth to me at 17, I'm pregnant at 21 so who was really irresponsible.

She sighed, "I'm sorry, it's just a lot going on". She said

I sucked my teeth, "You think I don't know that ma, if anybody who's mostly affected by this, it's me. I'm the one with the trauma, I'm the one he wants and I'm the one who's pregnant so if anything, I know that there's a lot going on". I said

"Yes, and it's us who have to protect you, Simone". She sighed

Y'know what, I ain't gon' say nun

"Mama, what your focus should be on is me, your daughter, who's pregnant. The guys will take care of the rest". I said

She wiped her tears, "I know, I'm sorry". She said

"I need you right now, I can't go through this pregnancy alone". I said

She nodded her head, "So you're keeping it?". She asked


I looked at her funny, "My child is not an 'it' and it sure ain't that damn clown, but yes, I'm keeping the baby". I said

"Did you tell anybody about the miscarriage?". She asked

I sighed, "That's something I can't speak about with even crying". My voice cracked

She hugged me, "I'm sorry, we'll get through this"

Simone told her mama
She had a miscarriage👀
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