Ur fault not mine

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Descending into the dimly lit cellars, I find Sarah staring at a seemingly blank wall, her face etched with an unsettling pallor. The atmosphere hangs heavy with an unspoken distress that sends shivers down my spine. The air is laden with a sense of foreboding, and I can't help but feel an urgency to understand and alleviate whatever has gripped Sarah.

Sebastian, his concern palpable, intercepts me with a touch, urging me to stay safe. His tender kiss on my cheek lingers for a moment, a silent reassurance amidst the brewing unease.
"Be safe." He mutters into the crown of my head.

Meanwhile, Rogelio, ever the stoic companion, wears an expression of irritation, seemingly vexed by the unfolding circumstances.

Approaching Sarah, I put the Diablerie, on a table nearby. You could sense its ancient pages practically humming with latent energy. The weight of the situation settles on my shoulders. I focus on Sarah, attempting to pierce the veil of her affliction.

As my hand hovers over her, a surge of otherworldly power courses through me. The darkness within the magic is unmistakable, an intricate dance between shadows and secrets. It's as if the very essence of the Diablerie resonates with the underlying currents of an unseen force. I close my eyes, surrendering to the mystical energy that envelops me.

In that suspended moment, I connect with the magic on a profound level. The darkness becomes a conduit, linking Sarah's plight with the ancient knowledge inscribed in the Diablerie. It's an intimate communion, a delicate balance between the ethereal and the tangible.

The cellar seems to hum with an otherworldly resonance, a melodic harmony of energies converging. The pale light from the flickering lanterns casts dancing shadows on the walls, mirroring the intricate dance of the magic at play.

Ignoring Rogelio's objections echoing in the background, I press forward, my focus unwavering on the enigmatic magic that feels strangely familiar. The air crackles with an intensity that hints at the potency of the mystical forces at play.

Opening my eyes and delving into the magic, I channel its essence with a newfound confidence. The Diablerie responds, pages turning as if guided by an unseen hand. The cellar becomes a symphony of mystical energies, each note resonating with an ancient power.

A Sarah, who was once fixated on the blank wall, now lies on the ground, her features transformed from distress to an eerie calm. Rogelio's objections morph into a guttural scream that reverberates through the cellar, marking the culmination of the magical intervention.

"What have you done?" Rogelio's accusatory tone pierces the charged atmosphere. His eyes lock onto mine, a mixture of fear and anger etched across his face. The magical currents in the cellar seem to respond to the heightened emotions, creating an ethereal backdrop to our unfolding drama.

Sarah, now on the ground, seems in a trance, her gaze fixed on some unseen horizon. A hushed silence envelops the cellar, broken only by the echoes of Rogelio's fading scream.

"Trust me," I respond, my voice carrying a mix of determination and uncertainty. The familiarity of the magic lingers, intertwining with the palpable tension in the air. The Diablerie, still open in my hands, holds the secrets of this arcane dance, and I find myself standing at the precipice of a revelation, uncertain of the consequences that await.

Sebastian, sensing my unease, wraps his arms around me, providing a comforting embrace amidst the lingering magical residue. As our worlds momentarily intertwine, Rogelio's simmering anger materializes in his words.

"Lilian, you're lucky you weren't consumed by that dark magic," Rogelio asserts, his tone sharp with concern and frustration. His gaze remains fixed on me, his disapproval evident.

Meanwhile, Sarah, who had been a vessel for the mysterious enchantment, slowly rises from the ground. A bewildered expression replaces the calm trance, and she clutches her head, as if trying to shake off the remnants of the magical intervention.

"Where's my daughter?" Sarah's urgent inquiry cuts through the charged atmosphere, her eyes searching the cellar for any sign of her missing child. The emotional whirlwind in the room intensifies as the realization of the situation dawns on her.

Sebastian, holding me close, exchanges a knowing glance with Rogelio. The weight of the unspoken consequences hangs in the air, a testament to the delicate balance between the magic we wield and the unpredictable outcomes that may follow.

"She is playing at school." Sebastian replies to his pack member.

"Alpha" she says realizing he's in the room. She bows in respect and looks around the room.

"Where am I?" She asks no one in particular.

Rogelio looks at us then her and addresses her. "I am a Healer of sorts, I'll be examining you for any traces of magic"


In the quiet aftermath of the magical upheaval, I check on Sarah, guiding her to a suite where she can recover from the unforeseen ordeal. As I navigate the delicate process of easing her into the room, Rogelio catches up with me, his stern expression betraying the gravity of the situation.

"Lilian, do you even know what you did back there?" he demands, his frustration evident. I meet his gaze, a mixture of uncertainty and sincerity in my eyes.

"In technicality, no," I admit, a sense of unease lingering. Rogelio's gaze drops to my hands, which remain entirely normal, devoid of the telltale darkness that often accompanies absorption of dark energy.

"You absorbed dark energy," he states, his voice carrying a weight of concern. He peers down at my unblemished hands, a perplexed furrow forming on his brow.

"There was something strange," I confess, the memory of the magic calling out to me lingering in my mind. "I felt a connection, an inexplicable pull toward the magic. It was as if the darkness recognized something in me."

Rogelio's expression shifts, torn between skepticism and understanding. The enigmatic nature of the magical forces at play leaves us both grappling with unanswered questions, the consequences of my impulsive intervention unveiling a new layer of complexity to the arcane mysteries we navigate.

A Witch's HowlHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin