shawty trippin

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The day had finally arrived for my meeting with Alpha Callahan. I had spent the morning preparing, choosing my outfit carefully to make a good impression.

As I made my way to the pack's main gathering hall, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nerves. Alpha Callahan was not only the leader of the pack but also, one of the most world renown leaders.

The hall was an impressive structure, and its grandeur was reflected in the imposing wooden doors that led to Alpha Callahan's office. My heart raced as I knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in," his deep voice called from inside.

Opening the door to his office carefully. I walk in trying remember that I probably look less nervous than I feel.

Alpha Callahan sat behind a large desk, and the sight of him took my breath away. He was exceptionally attractive, with a strong, chiseled jaw, piercing eyes, and an air of authority that was impossible to ignore. His aura was powerful and god had his favorite.

This man was so...fine? Like if he wasn't my boss I would fold so fast.

"Ms. Shaw," he greeted me as he rose from his chair, extending a hand toward me. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Scratch that, I almost folded just now. Taking his hand I offer a smile, "Likewise, Alpha Callahan. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me."

"My Beta should've informed you of your role." He says with authority. "I don't require you to utilize However, I highly encourage you to"

"Of course" I say agreeing. I could tell I was on very thin ice. But hopefully this pack would see I wasn't a bad person.

"Good. You're office is located to the left of the pack house." He informs. "It's currently under construction. You'll be notified once it is set up"

"Sounds good, Alpha. Thank you" I say grateful. He clenches his jaw at my words.

"Welcome to the Lunar Syndicate, Lilian. I expect you will be a valuable addition to our pack." He informs as he dismisses me.

"Yes sir" I say firmly. I begin heading out of his office. Once outside, I take the stairs down and I hear the word "witch" being thrown around.

I didn't know I was worthy of an audience shit. After my meeting, I was eager to embrace my role within the Lunar Syndicate and had no doubt that I could contribute to the pack's well-being.

But this Baldheaded beta and Stanky fucking wimp we're talking about me.

"The fact that they even brought a witch into the pack is absurd," Beta Nathaniel was saying, his tone condescending. "It's not like we need her."

The other one nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and I've heard some pack members aren't exactly thrilled about her arrival."

My heart sank as I listened to their words, feeling the sting of their rejection. It was evident they were talking about me. But, bitch I was Lilian Shaw. My fucking Nonna was bashit crazy and my ma? She could be crazy if she needed too. I was not the one.

I stepped closer to them, making sure they knew I was there. "You know, Beta, you should practice your 'talking crap' skills more quietly," I said, my voice laced with sarcasm. "Even without werewolf hearing, I can hear you just fine."

Nathaniel and the guy turned toward me, their expressions a mix of surprise and embarrassment. I could see their realization that I had overheard their conversation.

I continued, my tone filled with disdain. "I would think you two would have better things to do than gossip about me."

My words hung in the air, and I could see their frustration and discomfort. They had underestimated me, and I wasn't about to let their negativity affect my determination to prove myself to the pack. With a final, withering look, I turned and walked away, leaving them to stew in their own discomfort.

I wasn't gonna deal with two assholes who had nothing better to do than to talk shit.

"Wait Ms. Shaw!" I hear behind me. My self esteem wasn't the best, but I had an ego. That one wasn't gonna let this slide.

Turning around I face the beta. He steps back as soon as I face him. He pays attention to features that now look angry.

"I'll let you know, that whatever you say next will probably result in an dispute. Can we postpone this?" I ask trying to be calm. He nods his head in agreement and allows me to get into my car.

After the intense meeting with Alpha Callahan and the confrontation with Beta Nathaniel, I decided to clear my head and grab some essentials for the upcoming ritual. The atmosphere in the town was different from what I had experienced in the pack's territory. It was more relaxed, with a comforting sense of familiarity.

I ventured into the local apothecary, browsing the shelves filled with herbs, crystals, and various materials for rituals. I was in search of a few specific items that would be essential for the ceremony I had in mind. As I carefully selected the ingredients, I couldn't help but feel a sense of purpose. My role as a witch was crucial, and I was determined to prove my worth to the pack.

With my materials in hand, I decided to head to the town's cozy café to grab a quick meal and perhaps find some inspiration for the ritual. As I entered the café, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and the chatter of patrons filled the air. It was a welcoming atmosphere, and I looked forward to a moment of peace.

As I sat at a corner table, lost in thought, I was approached by a woman and her young daughter. The little girl's eyes widened as she looked at my outfit, a mix of modern and mystical.

"Mommy, look at her dress! It's so pretty," the girl exclaimed, tugging at her mother's hand.

The woman smiled and looked at me, her eyes filled with curiosity. "You have quite a unique style. My daughter is fascinated."

I smiled back at the pair, charmed by the little girl's enthusiasm. "Thank you. I'm a witch, and this is just my way of embracing my craft."

The woman introduced herself as Sarah and her daughter as Emily. She mentioned that she was often regarded as the "wacko" of the pack due to her eclectic interests, and it seemed we had an instant connection.

"If it makes you feel better, my Nonna pretty unhinged" I tell her to comfort her.

"This pack is very traditional" she notes while shaking her head. "They call me crazy for collecting gum, but there's so many variations"

"There nothing wrong with collecting bubble gum" I say defending her.

She nods her head "I have a rare one that the previous alpha chewed"

I pause and look for any signs of teasing. There was none, "Yeah man, probably has a little kick to it now"

"It's no longer minty" She says frowning. I nod my head in confusion and concern.

We chatted some more about the town, the pack, and our unique interests. Sarah mentioned she owned a flower shop down the strip and she had a couple of herbs.

I exchanged contact information with Sarah and made plans to meet up in the future. It was a pleasant surprise to have made a friend so quickly, especially in a world that was still so new to me.

Everyone else in the shop looked at me I'm curious glances. But it didn't really bother me, once I finished my coffee I headed out to my car again then went back home.

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