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The Lunar Festival was a vibrant and joyful celebration, and I had taken great care to set up the ritual space to honor their unity and culture. In the center of a lush clearing, I had arranged a circle of intricately carved wooden totems representing each pack member, symbolizing our interconnectedness.

As the festival commenced, pack members began to gather around the circle, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns and the gentle light of the moon. Laughter and conversation filled the air, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and unity.

Alpha Callahan stood at the center of the circle, and as the crowd settled, he began his speech. "My fellow pack members, today we come together to celebrate our bond, our strength, and our unity as a pack. We are grateful for the protection and guidance of our Moon Goddess, who has watched over us for generations."

The crowd responded with nods of agreement and murmurs of approval. Alpha Callahan continued, "In this circle, we are not just a pack; we are a family. We share a connection that goes beyond blood, beyond boundaries. It is this unity that sets us apart."

Gesturing to the night sky and the full moon above. "Let us give thanks to the Moon Goddess for her blessings, and let us honor the traditions that bind us together. Tonight, we celebrate our unique culture and the strength of our pack."

As the alpha's speech concluded, the pack members erupted in applause and cheers, expressing their gratitude for the pack and the moon. It was a heartwarming moment that emphasized the sense of togetherness.

After the speech, the festival truly came to life. Pack members began to socialize, sharing stories and laughter, and enjoying the various dishes prepared for the occasion. The scent of grilled meats and savory dishes wafted through the air, enticing everyone to indulge in the delicious spread.

I had been standing at the outskirts of the festival, observing the pack members socializing, even though I felt somewhat on the periphery. As I watched the laughter and connection all around, I was lost in thought, making me an easy target.

Just when I was lost in my own world, a sudden, unexpected presence behind me made me jump with a loud yelp. I whirled around to find Donny, wearing a mischievous grin.

"Jeez, Donny! You scared the shit out of me!" I exclaimed, my heart still racing.

Laughter bubbled up from him as he shrugged. "What's a festival without a little thrill, right?"

I playfully swatted his arm, trying to conceal my embarrassment as I noticed Alpha Callahan's stern gaze from across the clearing. The alpha's expression appeared less than pleased. Like I said, half of this pack has a stick up their ass.

Donny, oblivious to the alpha's reaction, seemed genuinely happy to be there with me. We continued to enjoy the festival, but I couldn't help but feel that the alpha's displeasure was somehow connected to our interaction.

Donny and I decided to grab some delicious tacos from one of the food stalls. We joined the line, still discussing the festival and the different pack members we had met.

I'd meet some of Donny's family. They were very understanding and they seemed like nice people.

As we waited, the line moved slowly, and we continued our lively conversation about the best choices on the menu.

That's when Alpha Callahan suddenly inserted himself between Donny and me, his presence immediately demanding our attention.

Startled, I blinked at the alpha, not realizing the tension that hung in the air. Alpha Callahan forcefully nudged Donny to the side, and I heard a groan of discomfort escape from Donny as his shoulder was pushed.

"Alpha Callahan," I greeted, trying to hide my surprise.

The alpha looked down at me, his expression unreadable, and his proximity made my heart race. "Lilian, how have you been adapting to the pack?"

Donny couldn't resist a sly smirk, clearly hinting at something that I was oblivious to. "Yeah, Lilian, adapting quite well, I'd say."

I glanced at Donny with confusion before turning my attention back to the alpha. "I've been doing my best."

Donny, unable to resist poking fun at the alpha's earlier behavior, decided to comment with a sly grin, "Well, Lilian, it seems like someone's quite interested in your adaptation to the pack."

"I'm glad you look after your pack alpha" I say with a sweet smile. The man beside me clearly had a death wish.

I had been very aware of the alpha's presence since I'd met him, and his striking appearance certainly hadn't gone unnoticed. He was, as my Nonna  liked to say, "total eye candy."

The alpha's response was chilling. He turned to Donny, his gaze filled with a deadly intensity. I felt a shiver run down my spine, suddenly understanding that poking fun at the alpha's jealousy might not have been the wisest choice.

Donny seemed unbothered, but I was practically shitting bricks. The air around us grew heavy, and I couldn't help but wonder if my little quip had just caused an unnecessary, dangerous tension between us and the alpha.

Desperate to change the atmosphere, I cleared my throat and mustered up the courage to speak. "Alpha Callahan, would you care to join us for tacos? We were just about to grab a bite."

Donny, ever the cool character, simply grinned at the alpha, clearly unshaken by the tension moments earlier.

The alpha regarded me with his intense gaze, his stoic expression unwavering. I was already nervous, and his serious demeanor didn't help. "Tacos sound fine."

Donny gestured toward the tables nearby. "My family already got us a table over there."

But the alpha had other ideas. He turned, indicating a table where  all the higher up say in the distance that seemed to be his choice. "Let's go to that one."

I exchanged a quick glance with Donny, who just shrugged. We followed the alpha to his chosen table.

The walk felt like an eternity, and the weight of the alpha's presence hung heavily in the air.

As we settled at the table, the alpha chose the seat next to me, and I couldn't help but feel like an elephant in the room. The atmosphere turned uncomfortably silent upon our arrival.

A few familiar faces, like the beta, gave me polite smiles, but it was hard to ignore the tension that had descended over the table. A few unfamiliar faces were there as well, including the gamma who had talked negatively about me earlier.

Donny, while visibly tenser than before, remained calm compared to my jittery state. He knew the pack dynamics better than I did, and I envied his composure.

The alpha decided to break the silence and introduced his people. "Lilian, these are some of our pack members. You already know Beta Nathaniel. This is Ethan, our Gamma." He gestured toward the gamma, who looked far less hostile now. "And the others are members of our leadership."

I nodded, trying to appear composed, but I couldn't help feeling like every eye at the table was on me. It was a daunting situation, and I was determined to make a good impression, no matter how shaky I felt inside.

"Pleasure." I say simply with a smile. The gamma avoided my gaze at all cost. While the beta sat comfortably in his seat. Directing his gaze toward me, "you did a great job with the Alter"

I nod my head in appreciation. "Thank you, Beta"

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