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"I've decided to consult someone with experience and expertise," I declared firmly, standing my ground.

"Shit, Mary! We're surrounded, and I'm unarmed!" a voice croaked out. Sebastian looked at me and then at Nonna and my mother.

"Nonna is very passionate about her safety," I added, noticing that my grandmother had picked a one-sided argument with one of the patrol wolves.

"Are you sure about this?" Sebastian asked, locking eyes with me. I quickly pecked his lips and nodded.

"The best I know," I said proudly. "Well, the only I know as of now."

Turning around, I screamed, "Nonna! Leave Jared alone; he's doing his job."

"Well, tell Jared to give me my baby back!" she exclaimed. She shook her head at the patrol wolf and told him to go away.

"He's running away! Lily, come on!" she pointed at his retreating figure.

"Good afternoon, Ma'am," I heard behind me. Sebastian tried to introduce himself.

"You're the man stuck in the car!" she said, shaking his hand aggressively. "I can see why Lily was keeping you to herself. Look at those calves."

"Nonna," I scolded. She waved me off and directed her attention back to Sebastian. "My granddaughter here might be a little messy, but she's got a good hand."

Sebastian's eyes widened, and he coughed uncomfortably. "She means magic-wise."

"She certainly performs great magic. Have you considered marriage? You know I'm an officiant; I'll do it right now," she contemplated.

"No, Nonna, you can't," I said, trying to divert her attention.

"That's right, we need at least two witnesses. You think Jared can come here?" she asked. Before I could answer, she started yelling Jared's name.

"Alright, Grandma, let's go to my place, okay?" I said, directing her toward Sebastian's truck.

As we got into Sebastian's truck, Nonna kept on rambling about the merits of marrying young and living a life filled with magic and love. Sebastian seemed thoroughly flustered, and I couldn't help but chuckle under my breath.

Sebastian gave me a knowing look and whispered, "Your Nonna is quite something."

"Yeah, she's something," I replied, still trying to hide my smile.

When we reached my place, Nonna hopped out of the truck, saying, "I'll get started on the preparations."

Sebastian and I exchanged a bewildered glance, wondering what she had in mind.

Nonna's enthusiasm was both endearing and overwhelming as she got to work on her magical preparations for the impromptu wedding.

She set up a makeshift altar in my living room, adorned with herbs, candles, and various mystical symbols.

Sebastian and I found ourselves roped into the ceremony, acting as husband and bride while Nonna conducted the proceedings with an unwavering commitment to her role as officiant.

"By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife," she declared with a grin, presenting us with a ceremonial ring made of intertwined vines.

We played along, taking it in stride, knowing that this was all part of Nonna's unique charm.

Once the "wedding" was over, we thanked her for the heartfelt, albeit unconventional, ceremony. Nonna insisted on taking a photo of the newlyweds with her smartphone, which she had only recently learned to use.

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