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The mirror turned out to be quite large, and I couldn't help but admire Sebastian's strength as he effortlessly carried it to his car. After securing the mirror in the back, we drove to my place. The car ride was filled with friendly banter.

"So, a giant mirror," Sebastian commented, glancing at me as he navigated the streets.

"It isn't just a mirror, it's the mirror and I have a thing for unique and magical pieces," I replied, smiling. "You'll understand once you see it."

Sebastian chuckled. "I look forward to it."

Once we reached my house, we both got out of the car. Sebastian, without hesitation, helped me carry the mirror into my living room. As we set it up in its designated spot, I marveled at how it transformed the room.

"There it is," I said, appreciating the magical touch it added to my home.

Sebastian nodded, his expression appreciative. "It's impressive, Lilian."

"Thank you," I replied, genuinely pleased with how it looked. "I knew it would be a great addition."

The mirror was indeed a fascinating piece, and it had a unique enchantment that had drawn me to it in the first place. Its remarkable feature was this: when an individual gazed into the mirror alone, they saw themselves as a heightened version, the best possible self they could be. In Sebastian's case, he appeared stronger, more dominant, and even more handsome.

After setting it up, I grinned mischievously at the alpha. "Now, Sebastian, you've got to see this."

He approached the mirror, his brow furrowing as he took in his own reflection. "This is me?" he questioned, his voice tinged with surprise.

I chuckled. "Yep, that's the mirror's special magic for you."

He nodded slowly and turned to me. "What do you see when you look into it?"

"It's different for each person," I explained. "For me, it reveals my true desires. But for you, it shows your ideal self."

Sebastian returned to his reflection, studying it with a hint of disbelief. "It's... impressive. And unsettling."

I nodded. "The mirror can be both a gift and a curse, depending on how you use it."

As he continued to observe himself, the room suddenly shifted into a cluttered space, filled with boxes of various items. His reflection remained untouched, but the room's transformation was stark.

"Whoa," he muttered, looking back at me with a puzzled expression. "This is... unexpected."

I grinned. "When you stand next to someone, the mirror shows your ideal surroundings, the life you truly desire."

Sebastian's gaze shifted from the room to me. "It's a powerful piece of magic, Lilian."

"That it is," I agreed. "But remember, it's not about the mirror itself. It's about what it shows you about your desires, your dreams."

Sebastian's eyes wandered around the room, and he was particularly drawn to a shelf of curious items I had collected over the years. With a sly smile, I decided to give him a little tour.

"See anything interesting, Alpha?" I asked, gesturing towards the eclectic artifacts. "I've come across some fascinating pieces. But most of these my nonna handed over to me"

Grabbing his hand I drag him over to my shelf. I try taking my hand back but he grabs it firmly.

He points to a red vile perched up on a wooden stand. I reach over and take it from the stand handing it to him. "Contains a drop of blood from Vlad the Impaler, the inspiration for Dracula."

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