Chapter Twelve: The Darkness of Day

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Word Count: 4k

(tw) internal dark and depressive themes and actions

She was sleeping. At first glance, she seemed to be in a peaceful rest, but this was anything but that. Hazy images invaded her mind through the night, each one worse than the next. These weren't random dreams, these were memories, the kind of memories that made you wish you could hide away forever and ever until the end of time. She tossed and turned, whimpering at the horrific pictures that engraved themselves on her soul. The wind picked up from the night air as tree branches banged on the widows of the room. Her body felt like it was being lifted but she couldn't know for sure. A vase fell from its stand, shattering with a loud crash. A piercing scream filled her ears. The cries of a child could be heard from the next room. She woke at their sobs.

Removing the heavy embroidered blanket from her body she carefully placed one foot on the ground and then the other. Her legs supported her weight as she strode to search for the crying child. Arya's steps were quiet, her breaths were heavy and her mind was spinning. Eventually, she made it to the other room where a little girl stood crying in the center of the room. The child must have only been five at the oldest. Arya carefully approached her before gently resting her hand on the little girl's shoulder. "Hey," She said sweetly, "Are you okay? What happened?"

The child turned to face her, and Arya froze. The girl's cheeks were stained with tears and strands of her wavy brown hair stuck to her face. She let out a little hiccup before walking past Arya. The child ran to someone behind the padawan, a man. The man had similar features to the girl, with his dark hair and eyes. His face was contorted with worry. "What happened here little one?" The tear-stained face of the little girl shifted to sadness as her lips quivered, "I-I was running with Luna and then I tripped on my nightgown."

The man sighed as he planted a kiss on the child's head. He set her down before bending to examine the broken vase. "This was mama's favourite," he said, voice cracking.

The little girl cautiously walked over to him, "I'm sorry Dada, I'll buy a new one for you."

He chuckled at this, "Honey, where are you going to get the money for a vase like this?" He asked, gesturing to the shattered object.

"I'll sell all my toys," She said determined. "I'll sell them all and some of Luna's and then I'll get you a new one dada."

He shook his head, "No baby it's okay, I'll-...I'll find a way to fix it somehow,"

"Okay daddy," She hiccuped.

The father picked her up and carried her to her bedroom, "Now, I need you to go to bed so that I can clean up the sharp pieces of the vase, Okay baby girl?"

"Okay dada, I can sleep with Luna so she can get to bed, 'cause she needs me to be with her so that she can go night night."

"Thank you, honey. You're a great big sister." The man went to close the bedroom door as he smiled at his daughter, "I love you, Arya. Don't ever forget that."

"I love you too dada."

Arya gasped. She sat up from her bed with tears in her eyes. Her throat was sore as she reached for it gently. Anakin was asleep on the floor next to her feet. He had done this. He had hurt her. She coughed, and her throat burned with the heave of her chest. Reaching for the glass of water by the night table she gulped down the cool liquid, it seemed to ease the burn of her throat, even if just for a moment.

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