Chapter Eight: Back to the Begining

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Word Count: 1.7k

"WHERE ARE THE POTATO CHIPS?" Arya yelled from the back of her Master's ship. Whenever her Master and she were flying somewhere for a mission she made sure his ship was fully stocked with their favourite snacks. Anakin and Arya were assigned as personal security for Senator Amidala. Padme had received multiple death threats and from what Arya had heard the newest developments were assassination attempts. Her Master had practically begged to be assigned to this mission because he was a close friend of the Senator when he was growing up. Arya had her suspicions though. From what she recalled from the whole almost outbreak of the blue shadow virus on Naboo, a few months ago Skywalker seemed especially concerned over the Senator.

"I RAN OUT OF THEM," Anakin yelled back. His snooping padawan always craved chips on missions and consequently, he did too. Anakin also may have hidden them under one of the control panels so Arya wouldn't find them. He continued flying the ship, navigating it into hyperspace, before setting it on autopilot to tinker with some of the small spare parts he had in his toolkit.

Arya joined his side shortly after as he walked to the small ledge at the side of his ship. He was fixing something again. She didn't quite know what it was but she knew that she had never seen him be so delicate with anything before. Arya pulled the small bag of chips from behind her robe and placed one in her mouth, "You lied." she said with a mouth full of chips.

Anakin snapped his eyes to study his padawan, his shoulders sank. "How in the galaxy did you find them? I thought I hid them well this time."

Arya giggled, "You thought wrong Master, you should know that nothing can separate me from the love of my life."

Anakin shook his head as a smile spread over his lips. He cocked a brow towards his padawan and asked, "Chips? Chips are the love of your life?" He almost lost his entire composure as Arya responded. "Did you really even need to ask?" Arya replied as she popped another potato chip in her mouth. "I'm surprised you aren't begging me for one right now." She said as Arya noticed her Master's lack of chips.

Anakin turned his head to look at her as she offered him one of her beloved chips. "As much as I enjoy chips I know they aren't very healthy, and for this mission, I have to be in tip top shape!"

Arya cringed at her Master's words. "First, shut up Skywalker. Don't say that in front of my babies," Arya said as she placed her hands on either side of the chip back to cover its non-existent ears. "Second that was the most toe-curlingy, mind-destroying, cringiest thing I've ever heard. And I would have lived a more fulfilling life if you had just never said that."

Her Master shook his head at her before continuing his work. He continued forming the metal into something that resembled a thin chain. He worked on it for a few more minutes as the pair sat in silence, the only sound breaking the serenity was his Padawan's crunch of chips. "Krift!" He said finally at his breaking point. "Can you chew any louder, I'm sure all the neighbouring galaxies can hear you."

"Jerk," Was her only response.

"I can't focus anymore Ar's, you're making too much noise." He groaned as he stood from his place at his workbench and snatched the bag of chips from his Padawan.

"No more for you," Anakin said as he tossed the bag into the garbage.

"NOOOO! My babiess!!!" Arya shrieked as she lunged for the chips.

𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙙𝙚 || a. skywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now