Chapter One: Only For The Mission

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"Anakin! Watch out!" Obi-Wan yells. The Jedi glances at his former master before narrowly dodging the Separatist's canon shot. He breathed out a sigh of relief, "Don't you think it would've been nice to warn a guy before the blasted shot WAS MERELY A FEW FEET AWAY!" Anakin hollered at Obi-Wan. "I did!" the master shouted back. "Pfft yeah. I would've died if I wasn't so great at dodging shots." Anakin countered. Obi-Wan responded by rolling his eyes at his former padawan. Anakin Skywalker, the proclaimed "Chosen One" was always extremely cocky. Ever since Obi-Wan had known that young boy from Tatooine he had always been determined and overconfident. "Oh dear Anakin I do hope that the new padawan will not be as conceited as you were...are." "Hey Master that hurts," Anakin said as he mockingly stabbed his chest with his left hand in an act of hurt while the Jedi simultaneously used his right to wield his bright blue lightsaber, deflecting the blast from the droid army. "Why are you getting a new padawan anyway old man?" Skywalker chuckled. "It's part of growing as a Jedi knight Anakin, it is a great privilege to teach and you should really consider requesting a padawan for yourself," Anakin responded quickly, he knew he didn't need a padawan, they would just slow him down. "Uh, thanks but no thanks Obi-Wan. I don't need a whole person's well-being to be on my conscious, plus all that a padawan would do is get in the way and slow me down. I wouldn't be able to get the job done." Kenobi shook his head disapprovingly at his former apprentice. His and Anakin's conversation began to die down after that, focusing more on protecting themselves and the clones from the deadly blaster shots.

As the battle on Christophsis heightened Generals Skywalker and Kenobi struggled to gain ground with their limited recourses. They are discussing battle strategies and with their communications down they desperately hope for Republic reinforcements. "Rex, I need you and Cody to get as many men as we can spare to protect our canons. The droids have some sort of deflector transportable shield which makes anything we do out here completely pointless." Rex nodded as he signalled Commander Cody. "Yes Sir, we're on it general." "Thanks, Rex remember to stay safe out there alright?" "I'll do my best General." "Good, you are dismissed," After giving orders to the captains Obi-Wan signalled for Skywalker to come over to him. "Yes?" Anakin inquired, "What is it?" "A shuttle has arrived Anakin." "Wonderful! Finally, reinforcements!" "Yes it is good news, come on we should thank and greet them." "Alright Obi-Wan, I'm coming!" Anakin jogged up to Kenobi. As the shuttle's door lowed and to their surprise instead of the reinforcements that the two generals were hoping for they were met with a young teenage girl. Her bright brown eyes were full of excitement as she stepped out of the ship. "Hello Master Skywalker, Master Kenobi," the girl greeted. "Woah, Woah, Woah, who in the galaxy are you?" Anakin asked with surprise and annoyance. The ship was supposed to bring reinforcements, not a child. "The new padawan," she introduces. Anakin briefly scans her body to find a singular lightsaber strapped to her belt. He sighs. "Okay well, then where are the reinforcements?" Anakin asks inquisitively. "Umm...we never got word of the need for reinforcements Master Skywalker." The girl replied as she bit her lip with worry. "Seriously? Well, we were screwed before, but now that we have a freaking child here we are all gonna die on the battlefront." Anakin trudged off in annoyance. Obi-Wan and the girl followed him. "Anakin calm down, she's just a kid, you don't need to talk to her in that way." Kenobi sighed. "Come on my young padawan it is time we learn more about life and battle strategies on the war front," Obi-Wan said. "With all due respect Master Kenobi, I was actually assigned to be the padawan of Master Skywalker." The girl explains. Anakin quickly whips his around to glare at the teenager. Frick no! "Sorry Kid you seem to be confused, I did not put in a request for a padawan, he did," he gestures to Obi-Wan. "Umm no. Master Yoda specifically said..."The time for training has come now, Skywalker your Master will be." She did her best to inmate Yoda's odd way of speaking. At this revelation, Anakin's mind quickened with shock. There was no way in hell he was gonna be responsible for a padawan. "Well I decline, thanks I'm honored, but no I don't want a padawan." He stated. The girl's expression sank. She looked hurt, dejected and sad. Too bad for her. "Come on Anakin. I don't know what happened, but she is here now, you might as well train her for now, then you can take it up with the council." "No Obi-Wan I didn't ask for her. I told you I don't want a padawan, she would just get in my way." "You know I'm still right here Master." The girl spoke up. "I promise I am a lot more skilled than I look, I swear that I'll be a great padawan." She sighs inhaling deeply as she walks off attempting to manage her hurt and anger. How dare Skywalker neglect her, all she wanted was a Master who would mentor and guide her so that she could rise to grow into a strong and just Jedi Knight. Obi-Wan stared at his friend with disapproval. "Anakin that is no way to treat a person. Right now it is your duty to train her and take her under your wing. We have no reinforcements, and who knows, maybe she is skilled with a lightsaber. Focus on the mission. We could use her now, you can take this up with the council later." ''Uhhhhhhhgggggggg," Anakin groaned with utter annoyance. "FINE! I'll babysit the kid for now, but as soon as we get back to the temple I am returning her." Anakin declared, "I didn't want a padawan!" Anakin said sternly. Kenobi sighed sadly. "Just not now, we are already having a difficult time with such limited resources." He nodded acknowledging his words. "You are right Master I can deal with this matter back on Coruscant." "Sorry to have caused all this conflict. I will go get the girl." Anakin apologized as he walked off to go find his temporary padawan.

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