Chapter Four: Die in His Arms

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Chapter inspired by Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 1 Episode 18 (Keep in mind not all events are the same as the episode, just some general ideas).

"That was close if the virus had gotten free everyone and everything on Naboo would be dead by now," Anakin spoke.

"Oh well, just another day, saving the universe you know how it is," Obi-Wan added sarcastically.

The two Jedi Knights lead Doctor Vindi to their ship, he was being sent to Coruscant prison for his crimes. The Doctor was maliciously evil it brought relief knowing that he was apprehended and going to be made to pay for his crimes. Skywalker secured Vindi before turning to leave the ship, "Let's get this over with, we need to help Padme and Arya get things cleaned up over here." Kenobi nodded in agreement.

"Come on scum bag, Anakin said as he pushed the doctor forward, "It's time for you to rot in prison."


As Arya and her troops were searching the lab for anything out of the ordinary a trooper called Padme over, "Senator, I think there is something you should see." The clone stated. "What is it?" Padme questioned. The clone held out one of the bomb casings that were going to be used to launch the virus into the air and infect Naboo. Padme's eyes widened as she noticed the vile containing the deadly virus was missing. "A droid must have taken it, ma'am." he spoke. Padme took the bomb and examined it, "Sound the alarm," she ordered, voice shaky with worry.


The alarm blared through the halls as Arya and the clones were on high alert. "Find that vile!" Arya ordered. The girl scoured the rooms for the missing vile. "UGH!" She pounded the side of her fist on the wall as she attempted to calm down her nerves. If the virus escaped the base, millions if not billions would die. Suddenly, blue fog began to fill the halls.

"Virus leak!" Rex shouted, "Get to the safe room, everyone!"

The clones and their commander raced to get to the safe room as the halls began to become flooded with the virus. Doors sealed themself shut as the group ran.

"There's the safe room!" Arya shouted as she pointed to a red flashing door. "Hurry! The doors are closing!"

Arya held open the doors with the force as the troops stumbled into the room. "Get inside, now!" the padawan commanded. The blue fog was heading straight for her and she vaulted through the door before it closed shut. Arya placed her hands on her thighs as she bent slightly down, patting for breath. As her adrenaline continued racing, she heard a beeping noise come from her communications device. "Arya? came the panicked voice of her Master, "what's going on down there?"

The girl collected herself and began to reply to her Master, "The droids released the virus, but we managed to get to the saferoom."

"And Padme?'' Anakin asked with concern.

"I'm sorry I haven't heard from her yet Master. Don't worry Sky-guy I'll find her and make sure she's safe."

"Thank you, Ar's, I owe you one," Skywalker spoke.

𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙙𝙚 || a. skywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now