Chapter Two: His Padawan

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"But Master Yoda whyyyyy," Anakin dragged out. "Told you I have. The next step to becoming a Jedi Master this is young Skywalker." Yoda stated. Who's the young one now? Arya thought as she stood beside her Master. "Master Yoda." Skywalker addressed "I would be a better asset to the Republic and the Order if I was able to fight and complete missions on my own." "Final this matter is. Train the young padawan you must." "And if I refuse?" Anakin inquired. "Halted will you be in our knighthood. Progress you will not in rank or level." Grand Master Yoda told her Master. "So I really don't have a choice do I, Master?" Skywalker asked. "Understand now you do. Pleased I am." Anakin groaned with annoyance. He did not like the way this situation had gone. He had practically been forced into being this young, disrespectful girl's babysitter. That's what Anakin, Chosen One, who would bring balance to the force was. A freaking babysitter. Arya watched the whole thing play out. He was stuck with her. That was both a good and bad thing. It's great that she now has a Master with much experience and wisdom, perhaps the Jedi strongest in the force to be known, but bad because she knows he would make her life a living hell. He didn't want her. He never would. Arya let out a sad sigh, "Master Yoda...I think it's for the best for Master Skywalker and I to be separated." She spoke. "We don't get along very well and I don't know how well we would do on future missions if He can't stand me." Yoda paused, thinking of what the best decision to make would be. After a moment of deep thought, he replied, "Young Kendrix, you and Skywalker did complete your mission and destroy the shield generator in your last battle, did you not?" "We did Master, it's just..." The girl started. "Shush," the wise green being spoken as he lightly hit Arya on the head with his staff. "Ouch," she said as she rubbed her head, Anakin only laughed, of course, that is what would be expected from him. "Worked well together you have, continue you will, end of the matter this is." Yoda said. "Wait a second," Anakin spoke up, "On that mission Master, Arya here, almost killed me!" Anakin exclaimed. As if he has not almost died like a thousand times before. Arya rolled her eyes, "Will you let that go? I saved your life drama queen." She countered. Master Yoda chucked and said one last thing before leaving, "A good team you two will make. Trust padawan Kendrix to your care and training I do. Fail me you will not Skywalker." Yoda began to walk away as Anakin shook his head signalling "no he won't fail the old Master." This new predicament is miserable Anakin thought. "Arya this is all your fault!" He accused. "My fault," she asked, "how is this my fault." "If you had just kept your mouth shut for more than two freaking seconds Master Yoda might have sided with me." "Wow, really? He was definitely not going to side with you. You have terrible negotiating skills." The Padawan stated. "What do you mean, you've barely heard me negotiate," Anakin argued. "Yeah well, with skills like that I hope you never have to." She said. "Hey! I take offence to that." Anakin piped. "Good!" Arya retorted. As the tension defused over a minute of silence between the bantering bunch, Arya gazed up at her now permanent Master, "Have you ever thought about how Master Yoda looks like an old taller version of a frog?" His padawan stated. Anakin raised his eyebrows as he thought back to Master Yoda's appearance. "What?" Skywalker asked in confusion. "Do you think Master Yoda looks like a big green frog?" She stated bluntly. Maybe he did...just a bit. The newly official Master spoke reprimanding his padawan, "Arya that is no way to talk about your superiors. Show some respect." "Sorry Master," She apologized. But however much Anakin fought it he could not stop the slight upturn of his lips as he suppressed a smile. She was right, Master Yoda did resemble an old green frog. Heck, Anakin once even thought the saw Yoda catch a fly with the force and eat it. Arya was right, but he would never admit it.

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