Trip's Day

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"I am driving!" 

"No, I am!"

"No, I am. It is my car!" 

"We are gonna get late!"

"I wanna drive!" 

"This trip is a disaster right from the start."

That's exactly how we started the morning of the second last day of the year.

After that night two days ago, we all decided to meet the next evening and decide the place where we wanted to go.

After a short discussion, we all settled on the fact that we wanted to make it a three day road trip which included a bit of camping and stargazing for New Year's Eve.

Now, the best spot for a really amazing stargazing and camping experience is usually far from the main city and has to be somewhere in a hilly region.

The nearest such place we could find was in Maine, which is located a few states northwest of New York. 

Once the place was decided, we had to settle on the mode of transport. Although we could have just flown there, we wanted to enjoy the snow too which we would get to see only during this time of the year. There was the fear of icy roads of course, but we all were experienced drivers and we knew we would enjoy it. Hence, we decided to drive there instead.

Now, this is where the problem started.

Once we had settled all the luggage inside the car, we realised that none of us had discussed who would drive and all of us wanted to.

Hence, for the last thirty minutes, we are trying to come to a decision we all would agree on.

"Look, this isn't going anywhere. Why don't we just toss a coin and decide?" Amy suggested.

"It is four of us and there are just two sides of a coin," I reminded her.

"Well, we can pair up for the first round and then the side that wins gets the second round," she shrugged.

"That's so not fair!" I complained.

"It is the only option I can think of. You have better ideas, be my guest," she said, raising her hands in surrender.

I huffed in annoyance and looked at the guys who were also trying to think of something.

"I think this is it," Aaron nodded, "Mel and I are a team and you guys are the other."

"Obviously, you'll say that. You and Amy make a good team. Me and this crazy woman? Not so much. We wouldn't even agree on the side to pick," Drama Queen scoffed.

"You think I wouldn't agree with you on just a side to pick?" I looked at him in disbelief.

"Would you? Cause the track record says against it," he told me.

"It is just a side of a coin! You think I am so stupid? Or else you think that I just want to fight with you all the time? Do you think I am such a quarrelsome person?" I scowl.

"Well, do you want me to answer that with honesty?" he asked.

"You -"

"Stop it!" Aaron yelled.

"Can you both ever not fight?" Amy asked looking at us.

"We all know the answer to that, Mel. That is irrelevant. The real question here is how do you both find ways to fight from nothing at all?" Aaron asked us.

"You think I ask stupid questions?" she scoffed at him.

"When did I say that?" he raised his hands in question.

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