Ego's Clash

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"Oh no. Where the hell did I leave it?" I yelled as I tried searching for my id card in my wallet.

"God no, no, no!" I kept saying as I couldn't find it.

"Damn it, Lia! It is your first day, and you lost your id? How can you?" I scolded myself as I walked on the busy streets of Manhattan.

It has been eight years since I had left this city. At that time, I didn't know that it would take me eight whole years to come back. Hence, I hadn't really installed every bit of it into my memory. But, from the bits and pieces that I do actually remember, thanks to my photographic memory, I can tell that this city hasn't changed a bit.

The same old buildings that reach the clouds, people rushing down as always, subways smelling of weed and coats and mufflers visible everywhere you see as the winter approaches.

"Damn it!" I gritted again as I tried to find my hospital Id.

I am a doctor, a neurologist, to be specific. I just registered myself for completing my residency years in the J. K. City Hospital.

It wasn't really as difficult as I had presumed it would be to transfer myself from my hospital in Canada to here. It took just a couple of hours to submit my documents and get my new Id as I had already finished most of the procedure online after I decided to move back two weeks ago.

One would think that I should have been more prepared, but I hadn't really thought that I'd have to move back so suddenly. In fact, I would have never moved back if it wasn't for my best friend, Amy.

But, who can win against destiny?

Hence, here I am, two weeks later in New York, with a job starting tomorrow and yet without a place to stay.

Not for long, hopefully.

I have been trying to search for a nice apartment to stay near my hospital since last week but, the problem is that this is one of the costliest cities in the world and my budget is unfortunately not very high. Thus, all the apartments that I can find are either too sketchy or just abnormally far away.

Now, the distance wouldn't have been a problem if I had a nine to five job but, being a neurologist, I might be called in at any time of the day in case of emergencies and I am not really into risking my life by opting to travel in the subways at night. I would need a car then, and that is something I can not really afford right now, leaving me no option but to look for a place nearby where I can travel in bus.

Understanding my problem, Amy's husband Aaron has arranged for me to stay at his brother's apartment. Apparently, his brother, Dan, has been flying out too often lately and due to the high risk of burglary in the city, especially in the downtown area, he needs a roommate to take care of the place while he is gone.

Hence, I am gonna meet him today at Amy's home and finalize everything.

"Yes!" I muttered as I finally saw the Id inside my document file.

I shook my head at my stupidity and kept it inside the wallet.

Once I closed the zip, I looked up to see that I had already walked past the subway from where I had to take the train.

If you haven't visited New York, let me tell you that a car in this city is a waste and way too expensive if you are living within the boundaries. The parking is way too pricy and it is faster to go on a train or a bus then to go by car.

I don't need it unless I need to see Amy and, the sweetheart she is, she told me that she would pick me up from the train station near her house whenever I wanted to see her. Hence, I returned my rented car within just two days.

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