Game's Rule

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"You tore my clothes?! Like all of them?!" I yelled as I stormed into the kitchen, clutching the pieces of my dress in my hand.

"No, not all. I have left a pair," he chuckled.

"Why? Why did you spare that one? Did you like it enough to keep it for yourself?! Are you gonna wear it to the office tomorrow?!" I threw the pieces in my hand at him.

"No, I was just wondering how you would go to shop for new clothes then? I mean, you could go naked, but I don't want the people of the city to get a late Halloween scare," he shrugged.

"You bastard!" I yelled and opened the nearest drawer.

I grabbed a utensil without even looking at him, and I was about to throw it at him when he said, "Hey! You had promised Amy, remember?"

I gritted my teeth together and contemplated if I should just break the bowl on his head or not.

"Uh!" I groaned finally and slammed it on the counter.

Instead, I picked the jug from the counter and emptied the cold water on him in one go.

"What the hell!" he yelled as he recovered from his shock.

But, my anger was nowhere near wanning. Hence, I stomped to the room and picked up my phone, dialing Amy.

"Amy! Release me from your promise! Release me right now!" I yelled as soon as I heard her pick up.

"Lia, calm down. What's wrong?" Aaron said.

"Where is Amy, Aaron? Tell her to release me from the promise so that I can kill your brother or at least break his head enough to land him in the hospital!" I yelled angrily, glaring at the idiot who was smirking.

"She is...uh... Forget it. You tell me. What's wrong? Why are you so angry?" he asked.

"There is only one thing wrong in my life right now, and that is your insane, inhumane, intolerable, irrespectable, and mannerless brother!" I yelled, clenching my fist around my phone.

"What did he do now?" he asked in confusion.

"Aaron, this man is impossible! He made me run a mile this afternoon, and as if that wasn't enough, I have come home at one in the night to a closet full of torn clothes!" I yelled.

"What?!" he asked in shock.

"Yes, he has run a pair of scissors over all my clothes, leaving them in pieces. Please, Aaron. I beg you. Please allow me to kill him. I'll owe you one!" I pleaded.

"Lia, relax -"

"Relax! You want me to relax?! I am gonna have to sleep in jeans tonight because of this...this prick! I literally have no idea what I'll wear to the hospital tomorrow, and he didn't even spare the one nice dress that I had! Aaron, I am a doctor! I have to shower at least twice in the day and imagine doing that with two pairs of clothes! I will kill him!" I yelled.

"Lia, I understand, but - " Aaron started saying but suddenly stopped and gasped.

I waited for him to continue for a second and then said, "Aaron? You're there."

"Y.. yeah, black," he muttered.

"What?" I frowned.

"Back. I'll call you back," he said.

"Hello, hello, wait," I said, but it was already late, and he had hanged up.

I groaned in frustration as I threw my phone on the bed and stomped back to the living room.

Drama Queen's Chauvinist (#3)Where stories live. Discover now