Loose Ends' Fix

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"Right on time," I muttered and picked up my phone, "Hello."

"Hey, Lia. I am waiting for you in the parking lot. Come soon," she said.

"Leaving right away. How come you are driving and not Aaron?" I asked her.

"Cause Aaron is visiting some site, and I went to the office without him today," she told me.

"Looks like the takeover is going well, huh?" I told her.

"Not at all. It is so confusing and so much work. I am nervous, but Aaron helps me manage it, and he understands and supports me. So, I am good," she said, "Plus, I have Peter by my side."

I laughed, "How has Aaron not fired him yet?"

"He knows I'll hire him, and then, he will lose him forever," she laughed.

"You should do it. He works for us anyways," I chuckled.

"Not a very bad idea," she said.

"Okay, I am gonna hang up cause I am going into the elevator. See you in five minutes," I told her and hung up.

It has been two weeks since I met Josh and Mom on Thanksgiving. I had met Aaron and  Amy the next day when Amy and I went window shopping on Black Friday night as the sales are usually the best that day, not that I bought anything. But, it was a nice girls' night out, and we had loads of fun that evening. Later, as she dropped me home, we ended up deciding to meet tonight at her place just to chill and have dinner.

Life otherwise has been pretty normal.

At work, Sherly was still making me slog, David was still a nice person to talk to whenever we crossed paths and I think we have developed a sweet friendship and not to forget, I am still working double shifts.

At home, Drama Queen and I haven't really crossed paths a lot cause I was really busy, and he was gone on a business trip for a few days.

In fact, I only found out that he was back when we met on the day of my weekly day off, and he got his new girlfriend over. I was surprised to see a brunette this time. I thought he had a type. Guess not.

For the record, we have continued to make each other's lives hell and have consistently pranked each other back and forth for the last two weeks. I tried to dye his shampoo, but he figured it out, and then, to get back at me, he hid my bag behind the water heater, making me search for it in the whole house.

Then, this other time, he tried to scare me by placing a skeleton in my bathroom, but he missed the fact that I am a doctor and skeletons don't scare me. To get back at him, I stole his keys and locked him out of the house for a good five hours.

So yeah, life has been the same, and we have continued our banter. Some pranks failed, but some were absolutely worth it like the one when I sprinkled itching powder over his bed sheets. It was fun watching him and his girlfriend scratching their bodies out.

The only major issue in my life right now is that I am still working double shifts, and this is getting out of hand now. I mean, it has been three weeks since I have been doing this, and it's gonna go on for one more, making it a month. Honestly, I know that it shouldn't take so long for a hospital this big to be able to recruit an excellent doctor. People would jump at the offer.

I know very well who is behind this, and I hate the fact that I can't do anything about it.

I mean, yes, I could always get Mom or Aaron or even Josh to talk to him, but that would be a low move. It would be like using my connections to get my work done, and that's not fair. So, yeah. I am gonna have to do it by myself soon.

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