Enemy's Move

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"Aaron, I am sorry. I have to break my promise. I can't do this. This is crazy. At this point, I think I am risking my life. Who knows one day you might see my face on the news with the headlines being something along the lines 'The famous, handsome, heartbreaker, dream of a zillion girls, billionaire Daniel Kingston is murdered by his doctor flat-enemy!'" Mr. Drama Queen said on the video call, making Aaron laugh out loud.

"There are only eight billion people on this planet," I said, smirking.

"I am considering parallel universes. Wait. You shut up!" he yelled at me, making me cringe, and Aaron laughed harder.

"Lia! Daniel, can you please give the phone to her," Amy said, and I rolled my eyes, pouting.

She is gonna scold me for sure, and I am not gonna be able to argue with her. Why is she always so reasonable and rational?

"I am not giving her any more of my things, Amy. I am sorry, but just call her on her phone. I am not risking my phone right now," he shook his head, and I laughed.

He glared at me, and I raised my eyebrows at him in defiance.

"Fine. I'll call her," Amy chuckled, and I heard my cell phone ringing in my room.

I ran to my room and quickly picked it up, "Before you start scolding me, I swear it was an accident."

"Was the accident pre-planned?" she asked me, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Lia!" she exclaimed.

"Amy, man. I swear I told him so many times yesterday. But he didn't budge at all. I even tried Amy way, and then, do you know what he said? He said that he would love to see me in jail. That's so mean! I couldn't sleep at all, and I had a night shift. I was yawning the whole time," I told her.

"So, today morning, you came and decided to just get rid of the root of the trouble itself, didn't you?" she asked me.

"No, I had planned it last night, to be honest. But, I came home at six, and we have a rule of not fighting before seven. So, I waited for the clock -"

"Wait, wait, wait. You guys have a rule about when to start fighting?" she asked me, confused.

"Yes," I said, frowning as I didn't understand what was so surprising.

"Sorry, continue," she said.

I nodded and said, "Yeah, so I waited for the clock to strike seven and for him to get up and go to his gym. That's when I sneaked into his room. This rich ass kids, I tell you. He has three laptops, two phones, and a tab, and god knows what else. It took me a while to find the correct one, but I did it before he returned, and then I just went to the pool. I was walking around the pool with it until my leg sl-"

"Lia, stop. I know the details. Daniel already yelled all of it to Aaron. You do realise that it is five in the morning right now, and I am dead tired. I don't want to hear this again," she groaned.

"Why are you tired? Long night?" I teased her.

"Wh..what? N...No. It's just all the...the sight..sightseeing," she stuttered.

"Sightseeing or rolling between the sheets," I teased her.

"Shut up," she said, and I could literally hear her blushing.

"The honeymoon's on a swing, huh?" I chuckled.

"Something like that. Aaron is just very romantic," she gave in.

"I am so happy for you, love," I told her genuinely.

"Thank you," she said.

That was so smooth, Lia. Good job.

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