Chapter XIV

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My sweet, delicate Jolyne. Reunited with me once more, as I hugged her tightly whilst crying from the relief of seeing her in my own household. Tears soaked into her black and blonde hair whilst she tried to shake off the emotional reunion with embarrassment.

"Mom!" She chuckled softly, her smile brightening my life once more. Keeping this family household no longer lonely and despaired and filled with warmth. I had felt the cold in the forsaken home, shivering each night as I thought of how she was in the hospital. Where she could feel anything: Alone, fearful, stressed. 

I gave her another kiss on the top of her head, chuckling with her. "Shh, just let your mother appreciate the fact that my daughter is no longer trapped in a hospital bed. Are you okay? Are you still hurt, or anything else?" I looked around her body to make sure there were no more bruise marks; feeling worried in case my daughter was still unwell.

"Nah, I'm fine. You know me, I'm a strong girl. I can get through whatever condition I'm in pretty easily." She grinned will full confidence, her biceps however showing otherwise since she had to stay in a bed for so long without working her usual fitness routine out. "Well, alright, maybe I need to head back into the gym though..."

"You do whatever you want, dear. Just... promise me that you won't get yourself in trouble, please?" I looked eagerly at her, awaiting for her response since I needed her trust in this. I couldn't bare to see my daughter hurt again... or even in a worse condition than before. "Jolyne?" 

She chuckled some more, an awkward chuckle as she rubbed the back of her head with her hand. "I'll try not to, alright? It's just hard okay~" 

I rolled my eyes, giving her arm a light smack. "Ah! Alright, alright, mom. I promise I won't." She spoke again with an apologetic look on her face, showing she generally was sorry for causing me so much trouble and stress these past weeks. 

"Thank you. Now, I think we should go out and treat you, huh missy?" I winked, ruffling her hair a bit as she went to fix it again. "Let's go out and get some ice cream. Like old times, mother and daughter."

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The two of us were set out, walking across the pier of the Florida's beaches. I still had memories I didn't want to think of from here, so I just thought about the happiness of having my own daughter back and safe with me. Traversing across the wooden panels, we soon found an ice-cream stall, with the list of flavours to choose from. There were already a few children with their parents, or couples lining up for the ice cream. Their faces with brightened joy, messing around with each other and the parents snapping back at their behaviour as not to disturb the other people behind them. I couldn't help but laugh softly, as Jolyne did so with me.

"Remember when you used to be like that? Gosh, you was so immature, always running around and chasing the boys with sea snails and seaweed. I have never in my life seen a boy scream in such a high pitched voice." I remarked, thinking about past memories we made. 

She snorted. "Not my fault that they were so squeamish. I couldn't resist, had to get them running away and crying! Plus they were annoying me." 

I rolled my eyes with a small smile. "My Jolyne... you are such a bully." Soon, we approached the ice cream seller. A man with a charming smile, as he friendly winked at me. "How can I help ya?" He spoke with a thick Floridian accent, blonde hair slicked back slightly. 

"Mint chocolate chip ice cream, please." Jolyne spoke up, her head tilted to the side looking out to the sea. 

"And for the pretty lady?" He looked over at me, smirk widening, which caused Jolyne to turn back with suspicion - narrowing her eyes slightly.

However, I just blushed and shrugged it off with a chuckle. "I'll have the same as my daughter, thank you." 

With that, he scooped up two massive scoops for the two of us, where I noticed it was larger than what you'd normally find in the ice cream stand industry. I just smiled kindly at him, Jolyne still looking at him with suspicion as he handed the cones towards us. "Two large scoops, for the beautiful lady and her daughter."

"You're too kind..." I spoke with a hint of curiosity, taking my cone and walking off. We both licked our ice-creams, walking down the the pier and taking in the beautiful sight of the ocean; where there was no wind to disturb us. 

Jolyne spoke up first. "Suspicious. Real suspicious." Looking at my from her side, as she raised her eyebrow.

"I'm sure he was just being kind, that's all. Maybe even apart of his personality, I guess. Well, he tried at least." I chuckled softly, tucking my hair strands back behind my ear. Though, in the corner of the eye I caught onto the sight of numbers on the wrapping which coated the ice cream cone. I slid it out from under my hand at held it up as I saw a phone number with his name attached to it saying 'Max'. "Well, I guess he really is trying."

Jolyne sighed and let out a shrug. "I mean, if you want to go after him mom, then go for it. Just don't want to see your heart get broken again."

I thought for a moment, thinking deeply about what I should do in this situation, before I chuckled once more and took out my phone - inserting the number into my contacts. He was labelled as 'Max - Ice cream man', before tucking my phone back into my coat pocket. "I'll just see how it goes..." 

"An ice cream man though? I really didn't think you'd stoop yourself that low." She joked softly, nudging me slightly. 

I rolled my eyes at my daughter, giving her left hair bun a little smack. "Silly girl. When you're my age, you begin to think less about their occupation and more about their personality."

She giggled, fixing her hair once more. "Well, maybe I'm just too used to have Romeo in my life~ Gosh, he is so fine."

I didn't care too much about her new boyfriend, yet I still saw my daughter as a young girl still. So, seeing her with a man with a stuck up personality almost made me wary. But, whatever made her happy, then I was happy too. 

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I wonder who this new Max person is, and how he will turn up into this story... or maybe he won't! :flushed:

Also, I know some of you said you hate Jolyne (which... how...?) But either way, you'll have to get used to seeing her more now. So if you dislike her that much, you might want to stop here. 

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