Chapter VI

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10th March, 11:53 AM.

The morning was blissful in contrast to the meeting, with the hustle and bustle of the Hospital that dreads me to hear once more. My foot tapped against the ground, as my impatient mind wandered to how it would be once I faced my ex-husband after so long with our separation.

I emailed him the night before about the theft of my phone, and to my disdain, he never responded. Two options of the reason as to why he never replied was that he either had so many emails from his work busying himself or that he was so frustrated he was going to confront me about it. I hoped it was the first option; instinctively crossing my fingers as I had once done when I was young.

The echoing footsteps approached, causing my body to turn on the heel of my foot with my trench-coat fluttering in the breeze from my swift movements.
There he was, in his full tall form approaching me with an ... interesting sense of fashion. He had himself a overcoat similar to his others he wore before, but instead it was in a distinct purple colour making him seem as if he were a royal in Ancient Rome. Alongside this was a new type of undershirt, printed with a star. There were his trousers, in that snake-like pattern which stood out from the rest of his outfit so he was the centre of attention; even if he hated it. Finally, his iconic hat in a purple tint this time, blended in well with his jet black hair.

"Hello, Jotaro." I smiled a fake smile, trying to look somewhere else when I couldn't bare to see his handsome face. His cheekbones sculptured making him to be seen a Greek God. His jawline was sharp, and if I touched it I swear I would get a paper cut sensation in my fingers. His nose was well defined, masculine which helped to suit his face shape even more. Nonetheless, his eyes were the ones which stood out more as he glared at me with those phosphorescent aquamarine iris', albeit with irritatation.

He didn't want to see me. It was clear to begin with. But I couldn't exactly understand his body language. It was as though he was masking his feelings and pulling himself his usual poker face in order to make things seem so... aloof.

"Jotaro. Hello?" My mouth moved to repeat my words once again, since he hadn't replied the first time.

He cleared his throat, as he spoke in a deeply thick tone, with no emotion whatsoever behind his words. "[Y/N], yes. I heard you." He didn't even reciprocate his smile to me which made mine fall to a frown.

"Well, answer then." I responded with venom in my voice. "Rather than stare at me as if you're going to divorce me a second time." I tried to joke, but it came out wrong. Good.

He looked at me with the raise of his eyebrow to show he wasn't pleased with what I just said, causing me to just sigh in frustration.

"Where's Jolyne?" He bluntly put, not bothering to start a conversation with me on either how my life has been, what I've been doing. Hell, even he could ask if I've been alright from the divorce.

"She's in room 9A." I reflected to him a similar bluntness in which he'd done to me. Sadly, this didn't cause a reaction out of him before I continued. "We'll have to sign in first at reception, so come on already."

I gestured with my hand, turning on my heel to face away from him as we walked on over to the reception point. It was a different receptionist, he was thankfully kind as he signed us in for our visit before telling us where the room was which we already knew about.

Silence was what really got to me. Sometimes, I quite enjoy the silence as it relaxes my mind and puts me to rest and focus my worries less on any problems my life has been dealt with. In spite of that, his silence sent an itch down my spine, starving me of some conversation. Anything. Wanting only something to say, I eventually spoke up in Death's muteness.

"Can we tal-"

"No." Words so short yet powerful could blow me away.



"Because what." I snapped back, turning my head to face his whilst he continued to look down the hallway. Not even a side eye was permitted to me.

He didn't respond. Only kept his usual stoic face on, like he was a prison guard guiding the prisoner to their cage. My fingers and nose twitched slightly, only wanting to shout at him for being how he is. Yet, my body complied into submission and I didn't speak another word after that. The reason being partly because I was too annoyed to even talk to him now since he already set me off into a low mood.

Finally, we came face with the door labelled '9A'. This was my second visit, his first. His veined arm moved in front of his body as he took the first approach to opening the door, and I didn't complain. Yet, I knew for a fact our daughter wasn't going to be pleased to seeing the man she hated more than anything in the world. My body could already feel an argument ready to brew up any second, and I ensured to prepare myself from any shouts and insults Jolyne would set off.

Hastily, Jotaro finally opened the door to her room with her tiredly laying back on the hospital bed and no doctor around this time. She was sick and poorly still but slowly recovering. Though her face twisted with anger, her eyebrows furrowing as she saw her father present after being so absent for all these years.

"Dad." She practically spat out, whilst leaning up on the hospital bed to properly see her father as we both walked into the room. I shut the door tightly behind me, so the other patients won't have to put up with any shouting to occur.

"Jolyne..." He spoke backed with a bit more sympathy in his voice but it still lacked immense emotion.

"Screw you, old man."

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Aha! I'm on a roll right now, finally filled with motivation to actually complete this! Wooo! Be proud of Author-Chan!

Anyhow, hope you enjoyed this chapter and I assure you things will turn smutty eventually. Just need to heat it up... ;)

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